Originally Posted by Erik
Are you sure your D15 engine block has a frost plug to put this into? My 1987 civic D15 block doesn't have any freeze plugs. I though the only block heater that would work would have to screw into the block drain plug (under #3/#4 spark plug at the bottom of the water jacket)- but maybe we have different engine block designs.
Great point Erik.
The Block Heater is 28mm... and the coolant drain plug is 28mm... See what I'm getting at.
I believe the picture is only a "generic picture" as the true product varies from app to app. Most likely this is a threaded block heater. If not then I am going to call the company to see what they suggest.
If this is just a replacement for the drain plug then it should be an easy process.
Originally Posted by Erik
Yeah- one of these inline hose heaters would be much easier to install (cut a 1-2 inch section out of the lower rad hose) BUT- unfortunately for those of us who drive Civics, the Honda engineers decided that the thermostat should be in the lower radiator hose- so this heater wouldn't heat the engine block - just the coolant in the lower rad hose.

I was considering this exact one but I couldn't wrap my mind on how this would possibly work on a Civic. "How's it gonna heat through the thermostat? Can I put it on the upper radiator hose?" So I nixed that possibility.