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Old 09-21-2007, 04:52 AM   #81
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Even tho I'm guilty, I have to agree with Perris. Shame if he really quit the board. But he has a very valid point.

Originally Posted by perris View Post
I have to say I can't believe the incredible hypocracy on this thread, you guys are unbelieveable bigots

this guy has a car that he wants, it's not up to you if he bought more car then he needs, it's not up to you if he bought it or his parents bought, all that matters is he asked for help, advice and information


(oh my g-d, I just sounded like donald me someone)

he came here looking for help and all you guys can do is show what jealous, bigoted, inconsiderate trolls you are

some of you make beleive you "could afford one" and then go on to show your real jealousy

there are some members here that are doing what this board was clearly started for;

to help people who want to get better gas mileage

but there are some of you here that think you are members of some kind of club that nobody else need apply...make this a private forum where applicants are invited or put on the friggin faqs;

"don't register if you have a gas guzzler, we only help people with cars that allready get good gas mileage"

puh leeze

I am entirlely disappointed in some of the members on this board and I cannot believe they aren't banned for being the trolls they are

I therefore retire from this board

good bye

three stripes the charm!

Car mods are overrated. Just gotta adjust that nut behind the wheel for best mpg.

Forget about World Peace...Visualize using your turn signal.
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Old 09-21-2007, 05:03 AM   #82
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Perris knocked it. Someone comes here to get advice and gets slammed because of the vehicle and his age. Did nobody consider that his being 17 means a good experience now means DECADES of trying to save energy, as opposed to a bad experience, with the typical teenager attitude of "I'll get them back by doing the opposite" may mean decades of extra waste? Whether he has a Crap Rover or not is immaterial.

Derangegrover, if you decide to follow 1993CivicDX's advise and play braking games, I strongly suggest you go find an empty road somewhere and practice emergency braking from different speeds, and go to a huge parking lot to practice braking with tighter and tighter turn radiuses when braking. The idea here is to get a SOLID idea of how the vehicle will react when braking at different speeds and different turn radiuses. Otherwise you might find yourself cruising into jail on a manslaugher charge trying to save a gram of fuel.

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Old 09-21-2007, 05:59 AM   #83
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Originally Posted by perris View Post
this guy has a car that he wants, it's not up to you if he bought more car then he needs, it's not up to you if he bought it or his parents bought, all that matters is he asked for help, advice and information
This is an open forum, people are entitled to express their own opinions.

I want folks to save gas, that is why I offer *free* advice, and buying a more efficient car is damn good advice if MPG is a priority. If it isn't then why should anyone bother to help? I don't want the damn things on the road, for MPG and for the safety of everyone else.
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Old 09-21-2007, 07:42 AM   #84
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Originally Posted by skewbe View Post
This is an open forum, people are entitled to express their own opinions.

I want folks to save gas, that is why I offer *free* advice, and buying a more efficient car is damn good advice if MPG is a priority. If it isn't then why should anyone bother to help? I don't want the damn things on the road, for MPG and for the safety of everyone else.
To be fair - he was offered advice - the first response really... And when someone asks for advice, and turns sour on it - I wouldn't expect any other board Not to turn on the one asking for advice (at least he apologized for it ).

I am amazed that he's 17 and driving a $90K vehicle, I'm not envious, just amazed as he's in a high risk bracket for accidents... I remember going off to school and experiencing a week of "everyone ding my car in the student parking lot" - totally sucks...
Time is the best teacher. Unfortunately it kills all its students.

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Old 09-21-2007, 10:12 AM   #85
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getting a supercharged suv and then ONE WEEK LATER considering fe for the first time strikes me as disingenuous, at best.

getting a $90,000 vehicle then claiming to be interested in $5/week gas savings cost strikes me as disingenuous, at best. Ask daddy for a gas card; he'll give you one.

"asking for advice", then getting it, then dissing it right off the bat strikes me as disingenuous, at best.

if it looks like troll, walks like a troll, and sounds like a troll... it might be a troll.
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Old 09-21-2007, 10:13 AM   #86
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Originally Posted by skewbe View Post
This is an open forum, people are entitled to express their own opinions.

I want folks to save gas, that is why I offer *free* advice, and buying a more efficient car is damn good advice if MPG is a priority. If it isn't then why should anyone bother to help? I don't want the damn things on the road, for MPG and for the safety of everyone else.
Hey, this absolute attitude is no good! You remind me of myself. : All or nothing. MPG doesn't need to be a priority for someone to bother. I am definitely in your camp, tho. For me, FE is a priority, but for the majority of us, it is not. Many people on these boards it is not a priority, but they realize that with gas prices going up they want to do something to use less gas, so they come here hoping to save a few bucks. And, again, it generally is the people for whom saving fuel is NOT a priority that stand to make the biggest impact, because, like I and others have pointed out, the worse a car is on fuel, the bigger the difference that particular car stands to make on fuel consumption and pollution. What I do in my VX to save gas--compared to SUVs and the average car--will not make nearly as big a difference as someone who is using *gulp* nearly 6 times as much fuel as me! If I drive purely for pleasure and careless of how much fuel I use and get mpg only in the 40s vs sipping it in the 60s isn't going to make much of a relative difference. Whereas for the SUV gas guzzler-- by increasing his mpg from 11 to 14, his gas savings will be greater than the entire amount of fuel I am using in my VX period, assuming all other things being equal and we are driving the same amount.

Originally Posted by Telco
Did nobody consider that his being 17 means a good experience now means DECADES of trying to save energy, as opposed to a bad experience, with the typical teenager attitude of "I'll get them back by doing the opposite" may mean decades of extra waste? Whether he has a Crap Rover or not is immaterial.
I definitely thought about this even if my responses didn't reflect it. And I think it's an important and realistic point to make, as much as I and others think SUVs are an excessive and unnecessary freedom and luxury with consequences people don't seem to be aware of, care about, or take seriously.

A great quote from a pop-culture movie that relates to this: "With great power comes great responsibility" -anyone know the movie? I think just as true a statement is: "With great freedom comes great responsibility!" People really don't seem to get that. They don't seem to be aware of the very intrinsic truth to it. Think about it for a second! It doesn't mean I'm fascist or support fascism!! But there is something called striking a healthy balance! That's why certain freedoms aren't allowed, like the freedom to drown your three month old baby because you can't cope with the responsibility of caring and raising a child.

[/end speech/rant/soap box]
three stripes the charm!

Car mods are overrated. Just gotta adjust that nut behind the wheel for best mpg.

Forget about World Peace...Visualize using your turn signal.
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Old 09-21-2007, 10:23 AM   #87
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Originally Posted by skewbe View Post

I can't take credit for the saying, forget where I heard it though.
I said:Well, you can take credit for it, it's common sense I think.

Oops! I thought you were referring to the braking gradually as opposed to waiting to the last second. Well, at any rate, good quote!
three stripes the charm!

Car mods are overrated. Just gotta adjust that nut behind the wheel for best mpg.

Forget about World Peace...Visualize using your turn signal.
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Old 09-22-2007, 07:57 AM   #88
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Originally Posted by skewbe View Post
This is an open forum, people are entitled to express their own opinions.

I want folks to save gas, that is why I offer *free* advice, and buying a more efficient car is damn good advice if MPG is a priority. If it isn't then why should anyone bother to help? I don't want the damn things on the road, for MPG and for the safety of everyone else.

Your advice may be free to give but unless you're personally willing to give out grants to everyone who wants to buy a new car to accept and execute your advice of purchasing a different car, be aware that there might be costs on the advice receiver's side that they may not be willing or able to incur at this time. Added costs such as higher registration fees for a new car, higher insurance premiums due to requirements of the financing institution, car payments on the new car when maybe the current car was paid off, and other costs that your "free" advice will cost the accepter of your advice.
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Old 09-22-2007, 08:39 AM   #89
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Originally Posted by unstable bob View Post
Yep, after countless sessions of shock therepy, drugs, and counciling, I can't shake being "unstable." AND IT FEELS SOOOOO GOOD!
Anywho, you started this whole shebang: QUOTE: As for the few of you who have remained civil thank you, and I apologize if I became defensive quickly
Welcome to the jungle...
But outa the goodness of my heart I'll post a link to scangauge:
QUOTE:What's this scangauge? I'm assuming it will show me instantaneous...etc? Also, it's not going to look rediculous in my car right...?

Yeah, it's gonna look ridiculous in your ONLY costs 160 bux, and all us commoners are using it, so it's prolly not worth your time. Especially since a lot of us workin' fo'k had to go to a JOB to make the MONEY to pay for that Scangauge that looks rediculous in our sub 90k vehicles. Keep up the pompousness chief, you're def winning the unwashed masses over!
Thanks for the scanguage link. Are you trying to make yourself look stupid?
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Old 09-22-2007, 08:41 AM   #90
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Originally Posted by VetteOwner View Post
lol if you personally can afford a 90K car at 17 years old you shouldnt be worried about gas first off since i bet you can afford insurace, maintince costs, testing, etc...second off, last time i checked jeep wranglers were essentially mechanical billygoats that can go thru up over anything and can snag one for about 2-3K if you really wanted to go off road.

lol im going with bob on this one, HIGHLY unlikely that a 17 year old kid can afford anyhting over 10K unless mommy and daddy were payin for it all, which then i hope you roll the damn thing tryin to show off since you dont know the value of a dollar. but then again thier just gonna buy you another...

btw id take bobs AMC, or grand national over a range rover anyday, they have alot more class that anything you can buy.
Of course they bought it for me. I would have to be into some seriously crooked **** otherwise. Regardless, I was just trying to save a few bucks at the pump. Jesus.

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