Originally Posted by DarbyWalters
Was not an attack,...
My apologies
Originally Posted by DarbyWalters
The vehicle is useless unless you turn the key...what is your point? He stated in the first post that a SUV Auto w/ 4x4 and 23 combined was something he was looking at...and you did try to imply that all the vehicles in the ditches were AWD/4x4 SUVs and Trucks.
Yeah, I rescanned the OP looking for awd - and missed the 4x4 part

No, I did not imply that. I said, if you don't need it - having it is useless. Just as, if you're commuting 40+ miles to work, without access to mass transportation - a car becomes a need. As an example, given that I chose to live near where I work and study - at this moment, a car is not one of my needs
He stated that the need to haul some stuff was weekly...not a couple times a year. If you have to make three trips in a Smart or one in a SUV, which is "better"? Saving time, less time on the road, ect.
Which is why several members, including myself, have suggested to make sure his hauling needs are to the extent necessary. So you make 1 trip with a wagon or 1 trip with an SUV one time per week... The rest of the week, you take a fuel hit with the SUV.
Who said leave the "snow tires on all year"? It was a comment about a FWD with snow tires could go a long way. What doesn't make sense? Your assumptions.
No, that was not a reference to FWD

... It uses the same logic as:
4/awd has better traction
4/awd is better and thus, seek this option
winter tires have better traction
winter tires are better and thus, seek this option
The operating costs keeping winter tires on year round go up - sure, it's better on traction - but looking at the entire picture, it's not a good idea.
The operating costs of 4/awd when you're not using it go up - sure, it's better on traction - but looking at the entire picture (location, et. al.)....
You might want to read the last line or so of the first post. He states that a SUV with an Auto 4x4 and 23 mpg combined would be good.
Yeah, I scanned for awd and missed it

My apologies
Anyway, it has been good reading and I hope nobody has taken anything I typed as a personal attack...things get jumbled in translation and skewed by the choice of words...all is good
Thanks for saying that -- and I too concur.... One negative to the internets - no sense of inflection
For the one time a year that I need a 4-wheel drive vehicle, I rent one. Why pay for something you wont use??? If someone is concerned about FE, the answer is obvious.
I don't mean to gloat by responding to your post...... but that's the exact scenario I have been trying to drive home (ha! a pun! - wait, puns aren't funny). Economically, it makes sense - energy wise, it makes sense.... Plus, no compromise - something that seems to have been forgotten and advertised against in America :/