Being a gassaver is like being a vegetarian. Warning long
You get the same basic response. Basically my father was diabetic, high blood pressure, leg and chest pain, and numerous other conditions. He was taking the maximum dosage of pill for his diabetes. Then he and my mother went vegan. No animal based products. The diabetes is gone, the blood pressure is normal, moms acne is gone, they both lost weight. etc.
When people talk to them about this they want to know, but when you tell them, they are almost dissappointed.
On my trip home I talked to my friends and they generally think I'm a quack for fiddling with my car. Some even thought I was stretching the truth. When you explain even the basics, to slow down and maintain there car ,they look at you like your hiding something or fibbing.
So recently in conversation Dad tells me he's no longer telling people he's a vegan. And I'll just stop explaining why I can get 550 miles per tank if I try.