So Me and my Dad drove to rockport, Illinois.
The car: Stock 2005 Aveo 5speed Hatchback with 15,000 miles on it
Tire PSI: 40 (non studded snow tires on still on front
Speed: 70-75mph @ 3200rpm
MPG: 1,302 miles @ 36.2 Gallons = 36MPG
Weight of passangers+luggage: 400lbs
Temp: 60s-70s
Aerodynamics and gearing seem to be a problem at highway speeds for the aveo. We still ended up beating the EPA of 35mpg. It would of been better at 65mph. I drove for 40% of the time and there was some traffic around chicago.
2008 EPA adjusted:
Distance traveled by bicycle in 2007= 1,830ish miles
Average commute speed=25mph (yes, that's in a car)