Are the ultra high gas prices hurting you hypermilers?
Last fillup was at $3.799 / gal - they jacked it up 10 cents before the Memorial Day Weekend to rip off drivers. But my past weekly 7 day tanks ranged from $25 to $28.60 - still really affordable. With my 44 MPG 1999 Civic HX M/T, gas can go up to $6 / gal for it to start annoying me - a $45+ tank fillup. I usually try to fill up every 7 days to know how much I go through in a week.
Some of you drive hybrids and get amazing MPG tanks. What are your weekly MPG tanks like, and at what cost of gas would it start to hurt you?
Maybe you 80 MPG hypermilers wouldn't hurt until $10/gas!
But not all you you drive great MPG cars and must be hurting now. How do you cope?
I'm prepared to bike to save gas. Got 3 great commuter bikes with panniers and a Burley Nomad for 100lb heavy duty grocery shopping by bike! Since 2005, I saved $197 in gas by biking!
At $2.65 / gal gas was hurting me in my 20.5 MPG avg minivan. That's why I drive my HX. The minivan is rarely driven now. It's just a backup vehicle, cargo hauler, and improvised RV.