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Old 08-19-2007, 04:06 AM   #1
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Anyone drive an Escort?

"* A race type 45% underdrive crank pulley was added to cut down on the accessories drag and power loss on the engine. On another Escort we recorded almost a 15% increase in fuel economy. The car would constantly get 40-50 miles more on a tank of fuel with no other changes. "

"The mileage test run was about 200 miles using premium fuel with about 90% highway and 10% stop and go driving coming back through a few small towns on a 2 lane road. The results was nearly 49 mpg at 60 mph (with the cruise set) on the highway with 2 people in the car.

We run our mileage tests using premium fuel with the tank topped off until fuel is visible in the neck and all the air has been shook out. Then at the end of the test, we refuel at the same pump, same spot, and refill it again. We also try to do test in 45-55 degree temperatures to prevent the gas from expanding in the tank and giving a false reading. The A/C was off and the windows were up.

With the same modifications we took the car on a trip to Florida. Running at an average 75-80 mph (but otherwise driving easy) with 2 people, luggage, tools, cooler, and other assorted items, (over 500 lbs of weight altogether w/passengers). Keeping the air off, but otherwise driving normally we got slightly over 41 mpg on one 300 mile leg of the trip and a bit over 40 mpg on another. How you drive drastically affects mileage. In other vehicles, I've seen at least a 30% drop in fuel economy just by driving habits.

Also this car was over 2 full seconds quicker from 0-60 mph than when it was stock."

Leading the perpetually ignorant and uninformed into the light of scientific knowledge. Did I really say that?

a new policy....I intend to ignore the nescient...a waste of time and energy.
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Old 08-19-2007, 04:37 AM   #2
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I think it's quite amusing a few of the things that they did... They claim it was an MPG build up. (Yes, I know they say it wasn't for max mpg, but they did title it milage build up)

* About 50 lbs of insulation was added to the car to make it more quiet inside.

Er... Weight is bad...

* The air filter was replaced with a high flow piece and the housing opened up to allow more airflow. Also, a flexible tube was installed to pull in cool air from the grill to the air filter.

* The thermostat was replaced with a 180 degree.

Cooler engine is bad...

* A fuel controller was added because the can wanted to run too lean and misfire, especially at higher elevations.

Lean burn is good.

They did all that, and only get 49 mpg! CO ZX2 got that MPG with cardboard.

The under drive pulley thing is interesting, though... Definately a good thought, especially for those of us who don't want to take the risk of disabling the alt.

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Old 08-19-2007, 05:28 AM   #3
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Originally Posted by Biffmeistro View Post
...They did all that, and only get 49 mpg! CO ZX2 got that MPG with cardboard...
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Old 08-19-2007, 07:32 AM   #4
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Not bad for a 2.0 automatic. I had a '96 with a 1.6, auto and air that got mid-30's. The escorts were pretty aerodynamic, and had a solid motor based on the same block as the Miata. They had a few driveline issues which Ford never saw fit to remedy, but I think they'd make a great start as an MPG car with the 5-speed.
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Old 08-19-2007, 09:33 AM   #5
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I'm in agreement with mustngr. This is the best example I have seen of an automatic trans car. I don't think it is fair to compare any auto car with a similar car with a 5 speed. I believe the referenced article gives some info worth considering to Escort drivers.

So please lighten up a little when you get the urge to criticize and unfairly compare to Old Reliable. I don't think these guys volunteered to be discussed here and should be treated with respect.

Thank you, CO ZX2
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Old 08-19-2007, 11:51 AM   #6
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Ive owned my share of Ford/Mazdas.

1991 Tracer Sedan, Auto
Mid to high 30 mpg area on the hwy.
Mid 20 mpg in town.
Car was dog arse slow. Kids on cycles beating you thru intersections slow.

1992 Festiva, 5 MT
40 to 50 mpg no sweat on the hwy. Depends on how it was driven.
30 to 40 mpg city. Again just depends on how it was driven.
One of my favorite cars.

1999 Escort Sedan, Auto
High 30 to low 40 mpg on the hwy
City high 20 to low 30.
Hated the car! Had the worse drivers seat of any car I ever bought. the engine was so raspy and buzzy it want funny. Coupled with the AT tranny it wasn't any quicker than the 91 tracer. I feel sorry for folks when I see them driving one of these cars. I was over joyed to give it to our youngest daughter. It diede at 150k miles. The engine locked up. I looked into it. It appears the cam chain tension system failed. Locker the chain right up. The result was a cracked crank, one bent rod and the head ruined. Car wasn't worth a new engine. So it was sold for scrap.

The 91 Tracer was traded for a new 92 Olds Delta 88. Never own GM again.

The Festiva gave its all to teach the wife and three daughters how to drive a MT. All four of the women worked in concert to destroy the car. Not one peace of straight sheet metal on it when I sold it as a parts car for $500 bucks.

I hope my MZ3 is as good of a car as the Festiva was. If it starts getting like the Tracer or Escort. I will be a done away with in short order...

09 HCHII, w/Navi
07 Mazda3 S Touring, 5MT
Mild Hypermiler or Mad Man?
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Old 08-19-2007, 01:02 PM   #7
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Originally Posted by CO ZX2 View Post
I'm in agreement with mustngr. This is the best example I have seen of an automatic trans car. I don't think it is fair to compare any auto car with a similar car with a 5 speed. I believe the referenced article gives some info worth considering to Escort drivers.

So please lighten up a little when you get the urge to criticize and unfairly compare to Old Reliable. I don't think these guys volunteered to be discussed here and should be treated with respect.

Thank you, CO ZX2
Not to mention the fact that the 2.0SPI in that 'Scort Deville is a bit different
than the 2.0 Zetec in Ol' Reliable. In actuality , did a great job getting that auto into the 40's considering they are a high performance parts distributor (and EFP was also one of my favorite places when I had the '00 sedan Focus ). For some other oddball Escort stuff (as well as Merkur,Focus,Contour,Fiesta,Fusion euro type parts )
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Old 08-19-2007, 04:01 PM   #8
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My main point wasn't that they are idiots, but that they seemed to go the wrong direction for FE. They had quite a few good ideas, but the ones that I noted were in the opposite direction than needed for FE.

Switching to a 180 from a 195 thermostat, and adding the CAI would have increased power, but hurt performance. It's common knowledge here that a warmer engine burns less fuel.

If they would have spent that time and effort to add something like a WAI, rather than a CAI, then they might have gotten better FE.

The adding the 50 pounds sound deadening most definately made it a quieter, nicer ride, but also hurt FE on acceleration.

And I'm not too sure on the lean burn, but if they richened it up much, then their cruising FE would have suffered.

My main point wasn't that they were idiots, but they could have spent their time and money in better ways to increase FE. Just a few bucks to get aerodynamics would likely have garnered the same FE.

I do call my bad in the tone of my post, didn't mean it to sound so harsh and condescending.

I do quite compliment them on the torque converter lockup mods, and especially the under drive pulley.
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Old 08-19-2007, 07:44 PM   #9
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Originally Posted by mustngr View Post
I had a '96 with a 1.6, auto and air that got mid-30's. The escorts were pretty aerodynamic, and had a solid motor based on the same block as the Miata.
For the 91-96 Escorts, two engines were available: a 1.9L CVH (SOHC Ford engine) in the Pony and LX models and a 1.8L BP (DOHC Mazda engine) in the GT models. Ford stopped putting the 1.6L CVH in US-model Escorts in 85 or so.

Originally Posted by psyshack View Post
The engine locked up. I looked into it. It appears the cam chain tension system failed. Locker the chain right up. The result was a cracked crank, one bent rod and the head ruined. Car wasn't worth a new engine. So it was sold for scrap.
Both the 2.0 SPI (sedan model) and 2.0 Zetec (ZX2 model) used a timing belt. Sounds like you smacked the valves - did the belt snap or jump a few teeth?

Colin Doyle
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Old 08-20-2007, 12:43 PM   #10
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The SPI also has a "valve self removal" feature quite a few of the peeps at [FJ] and FF suffer from . (that would be Focaljet and Focus Fanatics) . The Zetec seems to be less problematic with that issue .

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