Amsoil 25000 mile oil
The 25000 oil change intervals are in my eyes to far out. I don't care what Amsoil reps say 25000 oil change is nuts... If you do it for economy resaon you will see that at about 10000 to 12000 miles the oil will start to loose its lubricating quality. If you don't think I am right check it out for yourself. There is a website deticated to the testing between oils.This company tells all about what you should be carefull on when it comes to extened changes. You will notice first hand the oil will get thicker your economy will decrease a huge amount. They also recomended a booster to the oil at about 10000 miles to bring back lubricating quality. Anyway Amsoil is a good product I just think the 25000 mile extented oil change is crazy...If you can afford it I recomend the oil be check for quality at the 8000 mile mark and every 2500 miles after that...Good luck