Hi. If you don't want to take the time to read this but are willing to take 5 minutes out of you day to take my survey, please do. It will play a pivitol role in my thesis. Please do email the link to people you know too I need thousands of people to take it in order for it to be successful. Here is the link:
So first, let me introduce myself. My name is Scott Abel. I am an MFA student in Graphic Design at the Academy of Art University in San Francisco, and will be graduating in December of this year. Currently, I am working on my MFA thesis. I am presently learning Flash and will have a professional web site up soon, but in the meantime you can read more about my thesis at
http://h2go2007.blogspot.com/. To give you a brief explanation about my thesis, I am carefully examining sustainable energies, focusing on hydrogen and its potential of transforming our energy system. I intend to gain the knowledge, understanding and wisdom of all that entails the journey towards a hydrogen economy, interpret what I learn and then uniquely demonstrate it in a meaningful way. There is one simple reason why I chose this thesis topic. It is because, as a Graphic Designer, I possess both the ability the and opportunity to help communicate something that will help conserve our future.
This is where my survey and you come in. I hope to make this project of mine a public one, where you can help contribute to the outcome. Although I am still brainstorming my final deliverables, I have decided on two for sure. The first a book that I hope to get published one day, and the second a web site that will reflect the book as well as all of the information that I gather from you, from research and from other various resources.
Since I am designing this project around the thoughts and ideas of the public (let us call it the human race), I would also like to design it through the eyes of the human race. So, this email is also a call for entries. If you have a photograph, or know of one you could take, of anything you think could relate to my project, please send it my way. I can not offer you money, but I can offer you credit if I end up using your image in my book, online, at an exhibition or elsewhere. Now, if you are wondering about what could relate, just take the time and envision these two topics: what it means to have a clean, energy-independent future, and what it means not to. If you are questioning a photograph of yours or would like a couple of examples, please do not hesitate to ask. If you do have an image, please email me as soon as you can, as I work on my thesis on a day-to-day basis. And, if you have anything that you think would be important to add to my project, please do not hesitate to share it with me... If you are a scientist with some great statistical information; if you are an educator or student that knows something I do not; if you are just an average everyday person that has a brilliant idea.... I would love to hear your thoughts or ideas.
I do thank you for your time and look forward to your input. Again, the link to my online survey is:
www.my3q.com/home2/159/h2go2007/42976.phtml. Copy and paste it into your URL if you can not link directly to it from here.
Best Regards,
Scott Abel