95 VX for $5000 good deal or not?
Saw an ad for 95 VX with 140k milage, clean 2 owner, stock, no bodywork.
Gas is under $3/gal now. would anyone pay $5k for this car?
I think $4k is more like it. Location is So Cal. Wasn't a VX in 1995 only 10K new?
I've seen lots of VX swap info on a CRX HF.
What about VX swap into a 92-95 DX Coupe? or 4 Door?
Any how-to/tutorials on swapping in a VX on a 5th (Same) gen VX engine on a Coupe or Sedan Civic?
What are the results? Is it worth it?
In California, how is a VX smog test? because of lean mode, doesn't that raise O2 level in idle test?
So if you put a VX engine in a non-VX civic and try to pass CA smog, would you pass or fail?
Are VX cars in smog tests given different gas measured parameters (ranges) than other 1.5l civic engines?