'89 Honda CRX Si Versus HF weight
I've really been itching for a CRX swap: '88 or early '89 (i.e. prior to 89.5 when they changed the seatbelt setup for the heavier doors). I have an early '89 HF, but I've always been jealous of the Si moonroof. Anyway, I thought if I could find one of the early Si cars I could swap my HF motor & transmission in. I have three questions with regards to this:
1) would the CRX's open moonroof be detramental to good FE? (bear in mind they do have that nice little tilt to them to help w/airflow, when open.
2) Is there a WEBSITE ANYWHERE that can tell me the difference between the weight of an '88 Si and HF? (All of them just seem to bunch all of the 88-91's together...but I know I have the lighter 2nd gen HF...not the heavier one that came with the seatbelt changes and whatnot).
3) I figured if the Si body's (since I'll be swapping my engine, remember) is about the same weight as my HF, I would want to know if I can get away with a straight up swap with keeping the Si's wiring harness intact. ...These cars are supposed to have the same wiring harness (Si & Hf).