HEY!! I resemble that comment!
My speed limit is 60mph most of my trip to work. Seldom does anyone do under 70mph in the morning. I keep it 65mph to try not to impede the flow of traffic since it is a totally backwoods country road with a high volume of traffic. What cracks me up is at least I catch up EVERY morning to a little old lady in a Nissan Sentra that sets the cruise on 52mph (I suspect she is mileage guru queen and that's here "sweet spot") and has a HUGE line of traffic behind her.
Good thing is almost everyone seems content with the speed limit in the evening. No bobbing and weaving behind you, riding your rear etc. I can normally set at 60 and be content........of course this is nearly winding out my little NA diesel VW.
Originally Posted by northboundtrain
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