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Old 06-28-2007, 05:36 PM   #31
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Originally Posted by McPatrick View Post
I'm considering lowering my speed to 60 mph, but I will admit that it is already a challenge driving 65 mph, so I was wondering how other people do it. Some music might help, but then again sometimes it works the opposite and instead stimulates me to go faster
I use cruise control on the freeway, and don't look in the rear view. The freeways I travel are mostly 3 lanes, so they have room to pass. Since I started this hypermiler thing, I always do 60, unless I get a good draft, or I am on the turnpike. The freeways here are 65 on the open road, and 60 in town, with trucks 55. On the turnpike, its 65 for everyone, so I do 65, and try to draft. But my rule has been 60mph max. Oh and the "GasSavers.org sticker helps, well it helps me anyways...

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Old 06-28-2007, 05:45 PM   #32
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Originally Posted by basjoos View Post
My car is visually startling enough ... I haven't had a case of road rage since I extreme aero-modded my car.
No offense but they probably think you are driving an alien space pod and are the way back for reinforcements ...

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Old 06-28-2007, 05:46 PM   #33
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Originally Posted by Fuzzy5150 View Post
I use to really sweat it when someone rode my tail......now, if I'm not changing lanes or merging, I don't look in the mirror at all. I run 55-58 on a 65 and 70 mpg divided highway.

It is my little 'head game' with myself.
YEA! f-em I say. I just try not to look. especially if I'm doing the limit. It don't take much for any vehicle to slow from 75 to 60. If they cant deal with it, they shouldn't be paid to drive, and the rest are just motorists like me, with even an SUV 75 to 60 is a .5 second brake tap. Yes at first it "felt" really weird. but then I saw MAJOR FE improvements, and to me its worth it...
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Old 06-28-2007, 06:33 PM   #34
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Originally Posted by northboundtrain View Post
Get a volkswagen naturally aspirated diesel
except TurboDiesels can get way better mileage because diesel can run so lean.

my favorite thread
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Old 06-29-2007, 09:26 PM   #35
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Some of the tuning of my CRX (good synthetic lubes, indexed spark plugs, greased wheel barrings, etc.) have not only helped FE some, but have also resulted in even less pedal pressure (then before) to maintain a given speed. As a result, it now requires a real light touch to keep a slower speed (even 60), as so much of the (potential) pedal movement is no longer routinely used!

For the time being, I just have to "force myself" to have a very light touch on the pedal (and if I'm extremely careful, I can actually get down to 25MPH or less in 5th gear, but it requires the lightest of touches/taps to do it), but in the future I plan to make these mods to help things:

1) Modify the tension on the throttle cable (which in my case will require re-stringing the entire cable, as some previous mechanic added in "spacers" on the cable before I got the car), so you need a little more foot movement (then previously) to keep the slower throttle positions I'm now routinely using. This should hopefully make it harder to accidentally press "too hard", by requiring a little more foot movement before the first throttle responses occur.

2) IMHO one of the easiest ways to keep a slow steady speed, is to use a "cruse control". I know this, as I've driving other cars (including my wife's Civic) with cruse controls, and it's really easy to set a speed (even a slow speed), and then just worry about pointing the car where you want it to go! And since my (stick-shift) CRX (which now has over 280,000 miles on it) didn't come with a cruse, I've often found myself missing that option (especially on long trips). However, you can still get (generic) after-market cruse control kits (even for manual shift cars, such as mine), so you always have the option of adding in a cruse control (for the roughly $200 + installation the kits will run you). And in my case, I finally decided it was "worth it" to me to have that option on my CRX, so I recently instructed my mechanic that I would pay him to buy and install a cruse control (he has bought the cruse control, but he hasn't yet installed it, likely soon).

NOTE: A cruse control on a stick shift obviously can't change gears for you. However, the cruse can handle the throttle as long as you stay in the current gear (often you would want to be in "high gear" when you engage the cruse on a stick shift). Furthermore, a cruse on a stick shift varies slightly from a automatic, in that the (properly installed) manual transmission cruse will automatically disengage when you press on the brake pedal OR the clutch (whereas in the automatic you don't have a clutch, so only the brake pedal does the automatic disengage).

3) While discussing cruse controls (and fuel economy) with my mechanic, the point that constant throttle pressure (what used to be known as a "throttle lock") is often (in many driving situations) even better for fuel economy than a traditional "cruse control" (which maintains a constant speed, by varying the throttle pressure) came up. It was at that point, that I mentioned a hack that a fellow gassavers forum member made, whereby they added a power switch to the servo motor in their cruse. This (apparently very simple) mod allows you to take a normal (constant speed, but variable throttle) cruse control, and convert it (at the flip of a switch) into a (constant throttle, but speed may "drift") "throttle lock" (and back again, as needs arise). And in either mode, the original "safety features" (of automatically disengaging the cruse control when you step on a pedal) are fully retained! Once my mechanic heard about that mod (and how it worked), he thought the idea was fantastic! So we plan to also add in this "cruse control to throttle lock" switch to the cruse control we put on my car (so I can choose either operating mode whenever I wish, even switching modes while driving down the road)!

NOTE: If you are really cheap, there are mechanical "throttle locks" on the market for much cheaper than full cruse controls (some mechanical options costing $40 or less). However, the reason I finally decided to go with the cruse (with the "throttle lock switch" hack), instead of one of the mechanical options, is that the cruse/hack combo gives me both options, and retains the full (automatic cutoff when a pedal is used) features of modern cruse controls. So I really get pretty much the best of all worlds this way, except for the initially higher cost of this option.

And remember, in either mode (normal "cruse control" mode or hacked "throttle lock" mode) my cruse control (once it's installed, which will hopefully be "soon") will do the work of maintaining a slower speed (if that's what I want), instead of me having to force my foot back when my foot naturally wants to step harder. So I should be able to "relax" (with my foot off the gas pedal) and just make sure the car is pointed where I want it to go...
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Old 06-29-2007, 09:27 PM   #36
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Can't agree enough on MI drivers. Cruising 55 in the right lane with two other lanes of traffic passing me. A Lady driver swung all the way from the left to the right, at high speed. Right on to my tail slammed on the brakes banging her hands on the steering wheel, yelling not so nice things at ME. What did I do, I was in the correct lane minding my own business. What did she think I was doing passing everyone else? I've actually had people pass me on the median! Then they flip you off like your at fault?
As to your ? I've been at this a couple of years now like 7 and you just get use to driving slower. Check out the deer and other wildlife arrive in a good mood for a change.
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Old 06-29-2007, 10:31 PM   #37
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I don't know how you people do it. I have a 400 mile drive from SF to LA for 4th of July. At 60mph it would 6 hours and 30 minutes. At 80mph (normal speed on i5) 5 hours flat. Thats an extra 3 hours on the road for the round trip. My time is more valuable than the gas I would save.

I don't mind other people driving below the speed limit as long as they don't do it in the left lane. If you drive more than about 5mph below the limit or if semi trucks are passing you the CHP will pull you over. I've seen it happen more than once. At some point you become a hazard to other road users.
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Old 06-30-2007, 04:56 AM   #38
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Originally Posted by tjts1 View Post
I don't know how you people do it. I have a 400 mile drive from SF to LA for 4th of July. At 60mph it would 6 hours and 30 minutes. At 80mph (normal speed on i5) 5 hours flat. Thats an extra 3 hours on the road for the round trip. My time is more valuable than the gas I would save.
Ya, I guess it comes down to ones priorities. I think I could get 30 mpg at 55, but can't bring myself to go that slow for a whole tank. When I am on the interstate, I just want to get where I'm going. So I have started using the old US highways and enjoying the trip a little more. If we all do what we can stand to do, it will make a difference.
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Old 06-30-2007, 05:23 AM   #39
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Driving a long distance is one thing. I drive 70 most of the time in the Buick. My commute on the other hand only adds a very few minutes, and saves a ton of fuel. 70 to 60 was good for 4mpg.
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Old 07-02-2007, 04:44 AM   #40
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Originally Posted by basjoos View Post
My car is visually startling enough when seen from behind, that drivers coming up behind are already alert by the time they reach me. My main problem is the person sitting in the passing lane next to me while they are checking out my car while traffic continues to pile up behind them. Even worse is the guy who comes flying past me, then slows down until I pass them so they can have a double take, and then sits there inspecting my car. Boy, does this type of behavior piss off the people behind them, but they have never taken it out on me. I haven't had a case of road rage since I extreme aero-modded my car. Then again, I'm usually going at or above the speed limit except on the uphill climbs, where I'll usually be at to 5mph below the posted speed limit.
I just experienced that on my way home friday. Got passed on the highway by a truck and got off at the same exit. He pulled off to the side and let me by then followed me behind, then in the other lane , then beside. I could see the people pointing and talking all while cars piled up behind us. At least they didn't seem mad at me, I saw him road rageing other people before and after that incident.

Best tank= 81.23 mpg on july 1st 2008

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