33.87 MPG fill
I filled up the van today and said what the hell I'm gonna take it on a small trip on the highway. I used the engine on coast technique (Drive to Neutral) going from 65-55mph and some times 65-50mph on the way there, and cruise control at 60mph on the way back. Since the SG2 was pretty accurate the last fill, (5.4 gallons used according to SG2) (5.539 actual), I wanted to see what the highway results would be. The SG2 reported the tank at 28.92mpg with 1.2 gallons used. I used the exact same pump facing the same direction, and filled up with .977 gallons going 33.1 miles. This netted a 33.87 fill. I know this is a really short distance to fill up, but I was feeling good about the MPG at the time. Is the 33.87MPG beliveable or did I have fill error?