05-01-2013, 03:05 AM
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Ok finally visited my local dealership where my 95 Camry came from. Seems they only test drive around the dealership in city miles and use the Sunoco across the street. The tank average showed 17.2 MPG which is around where I am getting right now. The cruise range showed 156 on half a tank which with 312ish miles from 18.5 gallon tank would give around 17 mpg.
I just went through Cottman Ave's terrible lunch hour traffic of stop and go and it hung respectfully around 17-17.3 mpg. So I'm really thinking Philadelphia has the worst gas in America. I been using Sunoco and getting better results from their gas even over Shell or Exxon here due to the popular praise of Sunoco gas so the traffic of business is probably faster and pricing is better than the tier 1 stations.
So it might seem hopeless to most of you out there that it might be winter blend gas but it's the only clue I have so far to figure this bad gas mileage out without check engine lights.
Oh just discovered my trunk sensor doesn't work with my FOB key. So I have to have this checked out now. Proximity FOB key are so nice when your carrying groceries.
05-01-2013, 03:39 AM
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I don't have many bells or whistles on my car. Dont' really want them either.
You are still not fill your tank up are you?
05-05-2013, 07:56 AM
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Below is from fuelly's FAQ:
How do I account for partial fuel-ups?
If you can't completely fill up to the top when you're at the pump and you want to track the fuel-up in Fuelly, check the box next to This is a partial fuel-up. This will let Fuelly know that you have a partial tank. Once marked, Fuelly won't calculate MPG for that fuel-up or the next. However, your partial fills will contribute to your overall average MPG.
Fuelly's calculations rely heavily on you filling your tank to the top because it uses the difference from full to calculate fuel economy on individual fuel-ups.
05-05-2013, 02:17 PM
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Hmmm seemed I found another disappointed 4 cylinder 2010 Camry owner from PA. He was saying he got 16 mpg during the winter city driving and 18 mpg average in the summer. Still saving my receipts and pictures of gas pumps and Ultragauge/dashboard readings and it dropped down to 14-15 mpg with a peak of 16 mpg on regular 87 unleaded. Was nice getting 18 mpg for a little bit. Used the same pump 8 at the same gas Sunoco Gas Station too. I'll try the full tank fuel ups soon but as my first tank went during February of 12 mpg with highway driving to the dealership multiple times to finish up the purchase and repair.
05-18-2013, 03:16 AM
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I quickly read thru the whole thread. I think the problem here is the amount of time the ICE is running versus the amount of time the car is actually moving. I'll bet it's disproportionately high. I haven't let my ICE idle for 30 sec before driving off for years. By the time I back out of the garage and head down my driveway, I'm about 20-30 sec into it anyway. The key to getting better mpg's is to minimize the amount of time your car spends "going nowhere" while the ICE is running. Also several have asked you to try FULL fill-ups and it appears you haven't done that yet - so if you're calculating your mileage without doing so, it's not accurate.
05-18-2013, 06:42 AM
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I just filled it up with Sunoco 93 Super 18.036 Gallons and its been running around 17-20.9 mpg on city and highway at 200 miles on trip. Its now at a half of tank and I ran it down to fumes with a spare gas can in my car just to run it down as low as possible which was .5 gallons barely. From my past experience of filling it to the current fuel gauge position I'll probably get around 108-121 miles more which will be barely above 300 miles total for this tank. That will average 16.6-17.5 mpg. I took 5 days off of work and drove 200+ miles in 2 days 90% hwy mileage on several highways. After going to my new owners event with the Dealership I was told the low gas mileage is typical for a 3.5L v6. So their perception is 12-16 mpg is standard for 2010 XLE V6. My expectations on EPA is now completely lost. Just going to have to assume that there is a 6-8 mpg deduction probability on modern cars. Never going to buy a V6 ever again after this. No matter how smooth or recommendation from people saying it's a better drive.
05-19-2013, 10:09 AM
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cabbit75, rabbit75, liberty75: How many Log ins do you have on here?
05-24-2013, 05:09 AM
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Why'd you get a V6 if you planned to drive it like a 3-cylinder?
05-31-2013, 04:45 PM
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Well that was because of the available XLE around and I really liked the gen 6 design over the 7 gen. Seem too stocky like a nascar to me. I have multiple log-in which if someone can suggest how to restrict postings I would be much obliged. First one cabbit75 was OM thinking it would be easier to track. The second one rabbit75 is Trip meter tracking and Liberty75 is going to be just Full tank fuel-up trackings from this point on to get the illusion factor out of looking at my tank gauge. Which BTW I can see now that it doesn't drop for 4 gallons of gas measurement before going down from Full. But regardless I ended up with 333.2 miles on 18.036 gallon fill up on Super 97 Ultra from Sunoco. I'm now testing out 87 Regular full tank of gas so far drop 2 slashes and cruise range of 315 miles and 260 on the ultraguage. Ultraguage is projecting 19 mpg while the dashboard which several times I drove past 0 cruise range left before but seems to deplete faster. The whole time it projected 406 miles would of been outstanding but it didn't in the end. So 22.2 mpg if I hit what my dashboard is projecting. But all that is just rubbish until I fill up I know.
I'm starting to think its the gas because I saw one XLE 2011 having 17 mpg on city test driving which is close to my horrible work commute and 13.2 on another dealership. I just don't understand how people are reporting 22+ mpg on this V6 on 2010-2011 if it is the gas. Wouldn't you be upset if you had a car that you came out of a Toyota Camry as a first car for 18 years to find that the current one sucks on MPG. No answers and just wasting money on inspections on it day in day out. Considered trading it in but that would of been a $5000-$7000 lost for the next 3 years of paying this off wasn't worth it. But all I can say is that I'm going to be tracking this for 3 more years and will probably rent some cars out to see which brand I buy next time. Seems you can't rely on just EPA ratings alone. Camry to me means economical and reliable and I'm pretty sure most expectations out there are the same for Toyota Buyers.
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