Yet another Yaris... & Civic noob
Hello all.
My wife and I have a 2006 Yaris RS 5door, 5spd and a 2001 Civic 4door 5spd non-Vtec. We tend to switch between cars, so we end up driving both equally.
I've always kept a close eye on the mileage I get from my vehicles.
My previous best in the Civic was 38.5 mpg, and 39 mpg in the Yaris.
I found this site last week through the Yaris site I visit and after reading through some of the forums, I started using some of the techniques on the Yaris the last few days....
About a quater of the way into the last tank, I started coasting in neutral on downhills with the engine on and using the 'accordion' style to avoid bringing the car to a stop at red lights (whenever I could) and keeping the momentum.
Wow, I filled up today and my tank average was 42mpg.
My commute is about 50km one way, 70% hilly 90km/h 2 lane road - 30% city.
Next stop, Scangauge...
Awsome site BTW.