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Old 08-25-2008, 10:46 AM   #1
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vx has low mpg

now have two vx one 92 and other 94 both 49 state models one gets only 38 mpg hi and 92 only gets 41,also has anyone turned a hatchback si into a vx wonder if anyone tryed and said will never do that again also noticed anyone buying a new bike for mpg get the new honda enduo 230 L model a mag .reported it gets 93 mpg so scap the tiny mopheads get a real machine,i f anyone has the f model for dirt let me know the mpg you have got and if this model easy to turn into a street machine,any help from a true vx expert would be helpful i havent had these cars long but even poor shape thought i could get 45 boy was i wrong,has anyone got the rated 56 mpg with cheating like drafting or coasting to a stop,even going only 65 mph i only got 41 with my 92 but it does have an aftermarket 02 on it

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Old 08-25-2008, 01:46 PM   #2
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It's difficult to get the old EPA mpg of 48 city and 55 hwy with a VX at 65 mph unless you overinflate your tires or practice hypermiling techniques. The VX achieves its max mpg at 55 to 58 mph.

You should be able to get between 44 and 46 mpg at 65 assuming you're not changing speed frequently and not using A/C. I've been getting about 43 mpg at a steady 70 mph with A/C.

It seems the crazies are back on the road now that gasoline is under $4 again. I made the decision to do at least the 70 mph speed limit until the other drivers around me decide to slow down. Just today, an idiot in a late 90's Cavalier cut me off as he swerved around a car doing about 72 mph in the left lane and sped off to at least 80 mph. I was going about 68 in the right lane and had to hit the brake so he could pass the other car using the right lane. Unfortunately for all of us, gas is still too inexpensive. It will need to be at least $8/gal before most drivers will do the speed limit (in Michigan at least).

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Old 08-25-2008, 07:43 PM   #3
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i beg to differ
i get 50 plus and i go up a mountain and down a mountain
i mean 4300 ft down to 700ft elevetion
you just hav eto know how to stay in lean burn

Originally Posted by jadziasman View Post
It's difficult to get the old EPA mpg of 48 city and 55 hwy with a VX at 65 mph unless you overinflate your tires or practice hypermiling techniques. The VX achieves its max mpg at 55 to 58 mph.

You should be able to get between 44 and 46 mpg at 65 assuming you're not changing speed frequently and not using A/C. I've been getting about 43 mpg at a steady 70 mph with A/C.

It seems the crazies are back on the road now that gasoline is under $4 again. I made the decision to do at least the 70 mph speed limit until the other drivers around me decide to slow down. Just today, an idiot in a late 90's Cavalier cut me off as he swerved around a car doing about 72 mph in the left lane and sped off to at least 80 mph. I was going about 68 in the right lane and had to hit the brake so he could pass the other car using the right lane. Unfortunately for all of us, gas is still too inexpensive. It will need to be at least $8/gal before most drivers will do the speed limit (in Michigan at least).


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Old 08-25-2008, 07:55 PM   #4
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38 or 41 is not bad for an old VX. Their rating was for brand new condition don't forget. Compression tends to wear down over the years. But you can probably get it up a few more mpg by doing all the regular maintenance and a tune up.

Civic VX, D15Z7, 5 Speed LSD, AEM EMS, AEM UEGO, AEM Twin Fire, Distributor-less, Waste Spark
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Old 08-27-2008, 09:47 AM   #5
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want to trade me your vx,i will try going 55 mph,but i can get 41 with my 90 crx si g

thats for help i will try 55 mph just to see but so far not happy with either vx i can get 39 to 44 mpg range with 90 crx si doing 80 so to me this is more efficent and can still get somewhere at a decent time,time to sell at least the 92 and sad cause i just bought it
Originally Posted by jadziasman View Post
It's difficult to get the old EPA mpg of 48 city and 55 hwy with a VX at 65 mph unless you overinflate your tires or practice hypermiling techniques. The VX achieves its max mpg at 55 to 58 mph.

You should be able to get between 44 and 46 mpg at 65 assuming you're not changing speed frequently and not using A/C. I've been getting about 43 mpg at a steady 70 mph with A/C.

It seems the crazies are back on the road now that gasoline is under $4 again. I made the decision to do at least the 70 mph speed limit until the other drivers around me decide to slow down. Just today, an idiot in a late 90's Cavalier cut me off as he swerved around a car doing about 72 mph in the left lane and sped off to at least 80 mph. I was going about 68 in the right lane and had to hit the brake so he could pass the other car using the right lane. Unfortunately for all of us, gas is still too inexpensive. It will need to be at least $8/gal before most drivers will do the speed limit (in Michigan at least).
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Old 08-29-2008, 05:31 AM   #6
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Its got to be nice having two VXs. Welcome to the site and good luck getting more mpgs out of them.

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