I have been lurking this site for sometime and thought I have posted before but just noticed I haven't.
Specifics, I've frequently visited other sites just like many of us here who are passionate about mileage.
My rides:
00 Honda Insight (Citrus Yellow) - I custom made a set of Wasabi Insight stickers that look completely stock so that sets it apart form the other loads of green Insights out there.

Current mileage isn't too great since I got the "product update" where they put in some new parts for the computer. They failed to replace my near dead battery pack so it is in a constant state of charge. I'm waiting for it to die, it's just not fun to drive anymore when I only get 60MPG driving extremely efficient. I should be getting around 75MPG using these techniques. I also used to have a Civic Hybrid for a few years.
'03 Toyota Matrix - High mileage car that I bought a few months ago, lifetime average has been around 33-34MPG over the last 10,000 miles I've owned it. May be selling it soon to cut bills.
'95 Geo Metro - This one has an interesting story. A few weeks ago I was with my dad and saw a Metro 3dr and mentioned how I'd like to find one of those as a "backup " car for my 46 miles one way commute. He had just returned from my up north for my uncle's funeral and had mentioned that my uncle had one. I called up and asked if they still had it and they did so I said I'd be up to pick it up the next weekend (last weekend).
When I got to PA and saw the car I wondered to myself what I had gotten myself into. The paint was faded, tires dry rotted, interior nasty, engine caked with crud, air cleaner had oil in it, car smoked, light work when they wanted to, A/C didn't work, it ran rough and it had a horrible howl when it ran.
What I've done in the last few days:
Paint - buffed it out and "clay barred" it. Looks like a new paint job.
Tires - new cheapo Pep Boys tires (Potenza RE92's in the future) Next week my "racing discs" will be in.
Interior - just some time and lots of Armor All and deodorizor! Cleaned up nice
Enigine - replaced PCV valve and cleaned throttle body, plug wires, plugs, dist cap, rotor and changed the oil. Initial Pennsoil and new will be a full synthetic changeover in time. Runs smooth and doesn't smoke anymore.
A/C - just charged it - works great!!!!
The last thing I have to figure out is that howl and get around to fixing the lights, I know what is wrong with those though. I don't have a clue for the howl though. Possibly the tensionor. I figure I'll swap out the timing belt, water pump, tensionors etc. I know they aren't bad but parts are relatively cheap and this will be my main driver so I figure it'll be good piece of mind (oh, I get parts at a decent discount too)
Well, that about sums it up for an introduction. I can't believe I didn't introduce myself before. I've been lurking here so long I feel as though I already know most of you - I know that's creepy.

Sorry for the rant but I figured I'd make it a worth while intro.