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Old 05-07-2008, 04:59 PM   #1
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Subaru Forester owner wants better economy

Hello everybody. I think you need a new category: AWD. I want to get the best mileage possible out of my AWD vehicle and I'm counting on your expertise. Now I'll go check out what the site has to offer.

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Old 05-07-2008, 05:31 PM   #2
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Sell it for an 80/90 quattro.
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Old 05-07-2008, 05:36 PM   #3
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Originally Posted by topher View Post
Sell it for an 80/90 quattro.
I appreciate the input but I can't afford that car. My best friend has an Audi and he has spent $$$$$$$ on fixing simple things. That car has aggravated him to no end and drained his account.
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Old 05-08-2008, 06:57 AM   #4
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I'm getting 20%-40% over EPA in my 1994 Legacy, with only the driver mod. I have a whole list of planned mods for the car that I think will get me into the 40's highway. Just depends on how much you want to spend really.
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Old 05-08-2008, 07:11 AM   #5
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Some folks with subarus have found that pulling a fuse lets you drive it in 2WD mode... think that's automatics only... don't know the details.
I remember The RoadWarrior..To understand who he was, you have to go back to another time..the world was powered by the black fuel & the desert sprouted great cities..Gone now, swept away..two mighty warrior tribes went to war & touched off a blaze which engulfed them all. Without fuel, they were nothing..thundering machines sputtered & stopped..Only those mobile enough to scavenge, brutal enough to pillage would survive. The gangs took over the highways, ready to wage war for a tank of juice
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Old 05-08-2008, 04:34 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by RoadWarrior View Post
Some folks with subarus have found that pulling a fuse lets you drive it in 2WD mode... think that's automatics only... don't know the details.
I've read a few threads in Subaru-specific forums and the fact that you still have to drag the back wheels and all that is attached to make them AWD pretty much negates any worthwhile savings.

I picked AWD because I have use for AWD. I also picked the Forester because I can use the ground clearance.

Most of my driving is in the city. Even though it is a N/A engine it is very well powered. One touch on the gas and I can pretty much roll for a block but it doesn't hurt to try and maximize any savings that can be had.

Soon I will be installing a throttle body spacer and a lighter crank pulley.

I am considering eventually covering the underside because it is a tall vehicle and the underside may cause excessive drag on the highway (mostly I drive city, but I don't avoid the highway and I do rack up 2 or 3000 Km in weekend summer outings alone). It will take some $$$ to do it right, though. But I'd like to ask your advice on that. Do you guys agree that it might be beneficial for this vehicle?

I don't have cross bars on the roof rack but the mirrors are pretty large so I am considering what to do there. If I could delete them and install a camera system instead I would do it when I saved up enough. I have to look into the Ontario laws that apply, though.

I am also considering covering up the grill a bit more but I'm not sure how far I can go with that without causing problems with overheating in the summer.

So, mostly I think my brick-on-wheels can probably benefit from some aerodynamic improvements, at least for long haul trips on the highway, but your advice is welcome. That's what brought me here. I thought you might be aware of stuff that hasn't even crossed my radar yet or at least help me to avoid mistakes (especially expensive ones).
Originally Posted by samandw View Post
I'm getting 20%-40% over EPA in my 1994 Legacy, with only the driver mod. I have a whole list of planned mods for the car that I think will get me into the 40's highway. Just depends on how much you want to spend really.
Driver mod? You mean going easy on the gas? Do share what you have planned, please. It will probably help me as well. Thanks.
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Old 05-08-2008, 09:01 PM   #7
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Originally Posted by JV-Tuga View Post
Driver mod? You mean going easy on the gas? Do share what you have planned, please. It will probably help me as well. Thanks.
Lot's of engine out coasting (EOC). Almost never let the car idle (I usually shut it off well before I get to a red light/stop sign). Follow semis on the freeway and generally drive slower. Also, I usually upshift at around 1750 RPM, it took about 10 tanks of gradually lowering the upshift point to get the ECM to learn it. Doesn't balk or shudder much at all now. I typically get 26-28 city and the car is rated at 18. I've done zero mods to the car as of yet, not even aired up the tires. . .all four at 32 psi.

Future mods being considered are below:

Fuel injector cut button
Open/Closed Loop LED
Bridgestone B381 LRR tires
Full moon hubcaps
Wheel skirts (built to appear factory)
grill block
Full belly pan
Hood/under engine belly pan insulation.
Mirror delete
Pulstar sparkplugs
2nd battery w/timer hooked to block heater (warm the car before I leave work at the end of day)
Possible flow-turner aerodynamic mods at back and windshield pillars.

"If I win the sweepstakes" mods:
Custom built 13.x:1 compression EJ22 with custom ground atkinson cam
(87 octane)
STS remote mount turbo
Staggered intake valve opening (to promote swirl)
Standalone wideband (Insight O2 sensor) ECM
Taller gears (don't really need 4.11's with that 3.78 1st gear)

If I did ALL the mods and hypermiled, I'm pretty sure I could make 40'ish/50'ish city/highway. . .but it might not pass emissions.
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Old 05-09-2008, 02:37 AM   #8
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Originally Posted by samandw View Post
Lot's of engine out coasting (EOC). Almost never let the car idle (I usually shut it off well before I get to a red light/stop sign).
I have an automatic, so I don't think that is an option for me.

Follow semis on the freeway and generally drive slower.
As a bike rider I understand the principle of drafting, however I'm not really comfortable with following semis because they usually form a train and I don't want to get caught in the middle if a hairy situation arises. Yes I can brake faster, but the semi behind me won't. There is also another issue that I can foresee: even though a car can brake faster, with no wind resistance to help and maybe even the draw that was helping you save gas still in effect one might not break as well as expected under "normal" conditions. Or am I looking at this from the wrong angle?

Also, I usually upshift at around 1750 RPM, it took about 10 tanks of gradually lowering the upshift point to get the ECM to learn it. Doesn't balk or shudder much at all now.
Once again, I don't see how I can do that with an auto.

typically get 26-28 city and the car is rated at 18. I've done zero mods to the car as of yet, not even aired up the tires. . .all four at 32 psi.
Same here, no mods yet, and I got 19.34 on my first tank of mixed driving without the benefit of the options your manual transmission offers you.

Fuel injector cut button
Open/Closed Loop LED
I'm not familiar with those.
Bridgestone B381 LRR tires
are the basic 381's LRR or is that a special version of the plain vanilla?
Full moon hubcaps
and your source for those? ...or do you plan on getting something fabricated?
Wheel skirts (built to appear factory)
I thought of that as well but with my vehicle being a tad overexposed due to its taller stance I'm not sure if I wouldn't benefit more from covering the underside. What do you think?
grill block
Check. Are you going to do that yourself or have someone do it for you? Any resources you can share in that regard?
Full belly pan
Hood/under engine belly pan insulation.
Mirror delete
Pulstar sparkplugs
I just invested in Bosch IR Fusion plugs, which I will install after a few more tanks to establish a baseline but these pulstars definitely look interesting and I will consider them in the future.
[/quote]2nd battery w/timer hooked to block heater (warm the car before I leave work at the end of day)[/quote]Is it really worth it to have the extra weight on board?
Possible flow-turner aerodynamic mods at back and windshield pillars.
I'm not exactly sure what you mean. Can you please expand on it a little bit?

"If I win the sweepstakes" mods:
Custom built 13.x:1 compression EJ22 with custom ground atkinson cam
(87 octane)
STS remote mount turbo
Staggered intake valve opening (to promote swirl)
Standalone wideband (Insight O2 sensor) ECM
Taller gears (don't really need 4.11's with that 3.78 1st gear)
On the remote chance that I win the sweepstakes I'll call you. You share the details of those mods with me and I'll pay for your mods as well.

If I did ALL the mods and hypermiled, I'm pretty sure I could make 40'ish/50'ish city/highway. . .but it might not pass emissions.
That is not an option for me. I have to keep the car on the road.

I look forward to having more info on the points I asked about. If those have already been discussed/described at length somewhere else just let me know and I'll search or follow any links you may provide. Thanks for sharing.
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Old 05-08-2008, 07:13 PM   #9
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Old 05-09-2008, 01:52 AM   #10
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Thank you samandw. You have some stuff there that I am not even aware of. Thanks for sharing. I'll follow up with a few (maybe dumb) questions on another post.

Originally Posted by Dust View Post
Thank you, now let me point you to another resource where people seem to be more focused on achieving the best possible fuel efficiency...

Now, do you have any feedback regarding what I asked in post #6?
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