Hi Gassavers! My name is robbie. Just signed up today.
so my story begins with me moving. I live in a place called Port Hueneme, Ca and work in Oxnard, Ca as a Mechcanical Engineer for a forged wheel factory. I graduated from UCSB with my ME degree in 2005 and have been working ever since. I moved to Port Hueneme about 8 months ago and figured it would be a good place because i could get all the room i needed to work on all my cars, 94 supra TT and my track/drift car a 95 240sx. It has been ok living here, but im only 23, and ive just been way to bored living umongst familys and whatnot, so i decided i need a change and will be moving down to Marina Del Rey, Ca on Dec 1. ----so heres were gassavers comes in. Ive always been a car nut, but never one to really look into mpg, i was more all about performance. I have two cars i rarely drive, and then my daily driver, which is a 92 nissan 240sx that i picked up for $1000. it only gets about 20mpg around town, but didnt matter much until now since im going from a 7mi commute to a 50mi to/from commute. Ive always admired hybrids, but could never justify spending 20-30k on a commuter and that will someday need big $ for batteries. I then became facinated with VW TDIs and quickly started searching for a 99+ Golf tdi. My only problem was that i still wasnt able to find one for under 9k, so i would most likely have to finance one if i found it, they are also almost impossible to find in CA. I started reading a lot on tdiclub.com, and quickly noticed their monthly mileage competitions. I was reading the Nov mileage thread and was astonished that these people were getting 60+ mpg out of their TDIs, but then i noticed the top two MPGers weren't even tdis, they were Civic VX's. ("The VX" was a huge inspiration btw) I was like what is a VX? so after about a week of research, i found that the VX would be a perfect canidate for my new commute, 50+ mpg with the right maintainance and i could pay for one with cash and not worry about financing it. now i just had to find one, and that i did.
A 1994 (non-CA) VX from AZ. orig owner (mechanic). all service, including o2 sensor and timing belt. 170k miles and clean as hell. So i bought a plane ticket and will be picking it up this sunday. here it is: