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Old 09-26-2008, 12:39 PM   #1
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Oh gosh.. where to start???!?

Well hello everyone.. my name is... Mr Pinky. Yeah. I thought my husband was crazy when he said there was a community of gas saving nuts like him, but hey, I guess it's true. In all honestly, I am here to turn myself into a gas saving nut too! Here is my story:

I've always HATED manual transmission cars. Always. My father first tried to get me to learn on an OLD piece of crap blazer that probably got 10 miles to the gallon. Anywho, needless to say, I stuck with the automatics. I really didn't give two craps about gas- as long as I was in an automatic and had my freedom to drive. I remember growing up and gas was like 50 cents.. by the time I started to drive it was just over a dollar. Not even ten years later... S-O-B its damn near five dollars. Then again, in England, its over 9 dollars a gallon, who am I to b*tch?

Oh, yes, sometimes I like to rant and rave randomly, you'll have to forgive me.

I love the idea of getting in the car, putting it in drive and then turn off my brain. I didn't want to think about when or how to shift. I didn't want to think, PERIOD. Is that scary for anyone or do you know what I mean?

Over the last year or so, my husband has joined your community. At first, when he owned an Escort, he gutted everything out- all the way- carpet, back seat, all his radio stuff, and if it wasn't for me, he would have taken the front seat out. Not only that, he lost 40 some odd pounds too! Well, his Escort finally hit over 250k and decided to get a nice ZX5 Focus. He modified the air intake, in addition to, a lot of other things that I'll someday have to have him list for me.

Anywho, August 1st of this year, I was about to pull out of the Target parking lot and was waiting for that last car to officially pass me. I was letting off of the brake and onto the gas when BAM! the guy behind me was just looking down the road and saw no one and slammed on the gas. He rear-ended the crap out of me. Long of short, the insurance company totaled out my car. Bye bye Focus Wagon...

Then, my husband and I were down to one car. I had to learn how to drive a stick. DAMN DAMN DAMN. I was SOOO angry. At first, I told him, no, I'll just stay home. Then, I asked him to take me places. Finally, I had such an NEED to get out of the house and broke down and asked for him to teach me.

Learning was a b*tch. People giving me the finger and honking at me. I got scared. After LOTS of practice, I'm finally getting the hang of it. Now, I guess its not so bad. In fact, I was able to drive one of my parents cars- Fusion, and hated it because it wasn't a stick. OK, so, I am publically admitting that my husband was right. He told me that it wasn't so bad and that I'd end up loving it more than an automatic.

So, my husband bought an Escort ZX2. That car is ZIPPY. Just a tiny lil push to the gas pedal and one is GONE! My husband gave me the better car... the ZX5- he loves me THAT much.

So.. for the gas saving part... I am getting over TEN more miles to the gallon in my ZX5 than my automatic wagon. Not only that, pluse and gliding is kinda fun acutally.
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Old 09-26-2008, 12:46 PM   #2
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Glad to hear you're having fun. I've been toying with the idea of buying a Focus as well, but then just recently I've been thinking about a manual trans mercedes or volvo wagon as well. (Like I need a 4th car!)


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Old 09-26-2008, 12:54 PM   #3
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Ford ford ford...

Well, between my parents, my husband and I, and his parents: We own: a fusion, ZX3, ZX5, ZX2 Escort, wagon, taurus, F150 and a few classic mustangs.

Out of all the cars I have ever driven, I LOVE the Focus. Although, I personally would never have a wagon again. They are fun to drive and there are aLOT of things that one can modify that are fun. For example, my husband put an awesome muffler on there and as I said before the air intake. Theres also some kind of chip too. I like the sound of a race car.

Another reason, I don't know where you live, but here in Michigan, they are GREAT in the snow.

Bottom line, get the Focus- fun to drive.
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Old 09-28-2008, 06:05 AM   #4
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Originally Posted by Jay2TheRescue View Post
... (Like I need a 4th car!)

Ha! Who doesn't!

Pinky about the wagon, he meant a Focus ZX3 or ZX5 wagon or hatchback thing. My friend has a ZX3 3 door, 5 speed and I bet it didn't drop that many MPG compared to the sedan.
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Old 09-28-2008, 07:12 AM   #5
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Welcome to the forums! Hope to hear more about this from you!
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Old 09-28-2008, 07:50 PM   #6
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Who did kill the electric car??
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Old 09-28-2008, 09:00 PM   #7
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Hmmm, maybe that wasn't a speedbump I drove over this morning...

Maybe, just maybe I killed it.

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Old 09-28-2008, 07:21 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by itjstagame View Post
Ha! Who doesn't!

Pinky about the wagon, he meant a Focus ZX3 or ZX5 wagon or hatchback thing. My friend has a ZX3 3 door, 5 speed and I bet it didn't drop that many MPG compared to the sedan.

ZX3, ZX5, and a wagon are three seperate cars. They are a lot of same and some differences. For example, ZX3 and ZX5 are pretty much the same- just going from a two door to a foor door, both being a hatchback. The wagon is a little bigger, well, longer by at least a foot and the brake lights and whatever are different from the ZX3 and ZX5. I like the look of the ZX3 and ZX5 better than the wagon- more sporty and they handle curves and everything better.

Bottom line of importance is weight. Wagon is heavier because its bigger/longer and for the pure fact that it was an automatic (never seen a manual trans on a wagon) which again adds weight. More weight = less MPG Biggest difference, as far as, getting better MPG was manual VS automatic.

I say.. since I had to suck it up and learn how to drive manual, so should everyone else and we can all save gas.. and maybe.. just maybe.. gas prices would go down and (I know, I'm dreaming, just let me dream for a minute... sometimes dreaming is priceless) yeah.. ok.. damn.. back to reality.. ok, truth is, to get a minimum of ten more miles to the gallon, wouldn't you learn how to drive a manual too??!?!??!?? I think back to all the gas I probably could have saved.. all the money... and all the "what if"'s... win some... loose some... I guess?
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Old 09-29-2008, 07:02 AM   #9
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Originally Posted by Mr Pinkies ZX5 View Post
More weight = less MPG Biggest difference, as far as, getting better MPG was manual VS automatic.
This is a common misconception. It can be true under certain conditions, but when you've got the same engine (tuned the same) with the same gear ratios and tire size (in other words, pretty much the same car), 15% weight loss will probably not cause a measurable change in FE.

Making a car lighter helps if you can then sacrifice power to save fuel (taller gears, smaller engine, tune for more efficiency) and still have consumers buy it (because it can still accelerate decently).
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Old 09-26-2008, 01:06 PM   #10
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Ok, so what has been done to my ZX5:

Performance: K&N Apollo ram air, 4-2-1 header (no cat), 2.5" stainless steel exhaust (borla muffler), Diablosport delta chip tuned for premium gasoline, braille light weight battery, tires inflated to 45 psi.

Gauges: Scan gauge II, vacuum, air/fuel, oil temp and oil pressure.

Aero: deleted antenna (more for appearance, really)
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