Originally Posted by pgfpro
Looks Great!!!
I'm still trying to find a complete AC unit for my wifes car. These things are a lot harder to find parts for then one would think.
Thanks! and freakin' tell me about it. I had to basically redo that whole steering column and various other things after the thefts. And yes it was stolen twice in 2 months earlier this year.
The first time they knew what they were doing. They got in without breaking any windows, but they screwed up the column and took my radio. Police recovered it in San Antonio, I'm in Austin, and I had it back for about 3 weeks, starting it with a screw driver when it was attempted stolen a second time. The second time they broke a window and screwed up the ignition/steering column even more. Fortunately they were too stupid to figure out how to start it and they just left it. The cops towed it to "check for finger prints" (actually a racket they have with the local towing companies) and bashed in my bumper, trunk, and broke a tail light (none of which they admitted to or payed for)
I got an estimate of $7000 to fix everything

so I decided that I had a new summer project. lol So all told I spent about $1000 in parts and the better part of my summer break repairing everything.
This heat shield is actually designed to suck in cold air directly from the front of the car. I made it before I had found this site and it was designed for power, not mileage. I might be doing a series of tests where I have the cold air only heat shield vs. a cold air block off plate designed for mileage not power. Good info though, thanks.