New old member - UK Mitsi Colt
Been on the app over two years recording my car. 63.3mpg UK over 26274 miles in 26 months for my Mitsubishi Colt 1.5d 6spd auto/clutchless manual 3 pot. Best tank full was 71.8mpg, It runs 66-69mpg in the relatively warmer/drier months and high 50s in the colder/wetter months. Mixture of inefficiency engine/cold block and wind/tyre resistance on wet roads in winter months I think. 30 mile each way daily commute mix of stop start traffic 25% and open roads 75%, 1 hour journey each way.
Ran a Citroen C Zero and Nissan Leaf before this so quite aware of techniques to increase mpg (range in EVs).