New here-so far so good!
Greetings! I signed up here a couple of weeks ago and right now I'm on my third tank of hypermiling. So far, the first 2 tanks have been about 37mpg and 36 mpg and now the 3rd tank appears to be pushing 40mpg!
I have a 2007 Nissan Versa 6-speed that is only rated at 29mpg combined, so I'm doing pretty well! I'm not extreme - I mainly coast in neutral when I can, accelerate slowly, coast to stops and keep my highway speed in check.
I've seen some posters doubt the effectiveness of driving slower and coasting. All I can say is look at my numbers - you don't have to be extreme to see real results. I am soooooo glad I opted for the manual transmission, though. I think it makes it much easier.
I look forward to learning more here and seeing other results!