Me and my Del Sol
As suggested by SVOboy, I've created an introduction topic about myself and my car.
I'm 21, been married for a little over 8 months, and one of these days I'll be finishing up my degree in electrical engineering. Creating my own designs is what I love doing most. My hobbies include R/C cars and airplanes, computers/electronics, guns, and recently cars.
I bought my Del Sol a few months ago to replace an old Buick Skylark granny car (I just sold it today, finally!) that I felt was coming to the end of its days. Plus I wanted in on that legendary Honda reliability. Here's a thread I made over at when I first bought my car. Many pictures and list of upgrades.
<a href="">My Del Sol picture thread</a>
I've always been interested in gas mileage and ways to do better. For a while I though maybe the automotive engineers reached the limits of gasoline efficiency since there haven't been any major improvements in the last 10 years. Then I started researching things online and found out there's still a lot of progress to be made. I look forward to building some of the ideas out there and possibly improving on them. I'm a sucker for projects and always got my hands full with something.
I think a Del Sol is a good car to start with for increasing gas mileage. The only better car that comes to mind now is the CRX because it's lighter. The ultra-small cross sectional area of a Del Sol should really reduce the amount of wind it has to push out of it's way. Sometimes my car looks like a go-kart sitting next to other cars because it's so small. Also, the back window on a Del Sol goes down, possibly increasing some gas mileage when driving with the windows down. Probably negligible but still...
For what it's worth, I went on a 240 mile road trip, half with the top off and half with the top on (got sunburned really bad that day). Gas mileage was exactly the same either way. I was getting 25mpg highway which is because I was running 87 octane in my engine that requires premium. I was told something about the ECU adjusting the timing and screwing up my mileage. Not to mention a check engine light started coming on. Switch back to premium, CEL went away, and my mpg's went back up.
Scouring the country for an excellent condition Civic VX