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Old 07-16-2007, 05:00 PM   #11
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I had to go to the Mazda dealer today. Took them the title and the other keys. Got my sub power and ground cable out of it. And also took my tag frame. Its was hard. It was like having to put a dog down.

The used car manager asked me if I wanted to drive the car one last time. Told him no I was afraid the right rear would fall out of it. He said he understood and offered a drive after they fixed it. He complimented me on the over all condition of the car. The tint, engine belly pan and over all clean state the car was in. He was forthright in saying how passionate I had been about and with the car. The used car manager walked me over to the service manager and he complimented the Civic. And I was given another free oil change and detail for the 3.

The service manager then wanted me to meet the GM. So off we go to his office. He had all the service records on his desk for the Civic. He was glad to meet the man from tv that was getting 50 mpg in the Civic. I gave them all the paper work for all the warranty work done. And of course they had my personnel service records. The GM gave me another free oil change and detail. I asked the GM what kinda of money they thought they would make on the car. He was what I feel very honest in targeting a $750 profit on the car after the repairs where made. And they were also going to put a heap cheap set of new tires on it. The car would also have a 12 month / 12k mile in dealer warranty. He also told me if I referred somebody to the dealer for the purchase of the Civic he would pay me $100 bucks. And $50 for every Mazda referred.

So it was a good,,, good bye to the Civic.


09 HCHII, w/Navi
07 Mazda3 S Touring, 5MT
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Old 07-16-2007, 05:24 PM   #12
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I drove a 5-spd early/mid-2000's Mazda Protege "sport" version sedan last week - ancestor of the "3". I loved the way it steered & handled compared to my dad's Corolla - but the gearing was way too short. It was turning 2200 rpm at 50 mph, if I recall.

Congrats on the new car, psy.

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Old 07-17-2007, 08:34 AM   #13
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Originally Posted by MetroMPG View Post
I drove a 5-spd early/mid-2000's Mazda Protege "sport" version sedan last week - ancestor of the "3". I loved the way it steered & handled compared to my dad's Corolla - but the gearing was way too short. It was turning 2200 rpm at 50 mph, if I recall.

Congrats on the new car, psy.
I found lastnight that there is a 5th gear mod one can do to the 3. Im not clear on the amount of help you get out of it tho. I hear its suppose to drop the rpms between 100 and 200 rpms in 5th. Suppose to beable to install the new gear without pulling the engine/tranny.

I also found out there is a iFCD imbedded in the car that has to be unlocked. I did it this morning and it seems to work. I shows 4 mpg less than the SG.


09 HCHII, w/Navi
07 Mazda3 S Touring, 5MT
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