Joining gassavers
I've been reading the posts and am very impressed with the work being done by the members. I've been looking for this sort of a forum for some time and am happy to have found one. I have a '92 Civic Si that used to get 40-44mpg. It now has >200k miles on it and has been getting driven by my girlfriend. I've been driving an '03 Civic Si that gets 31mpg on the highway. Recently I decided to try and save some money by switching cars (since my commute is longer) andby modding the '92. I'm first looking at driving techniques and have some CoroPlast on order for some Aero mods similar to basjoos. After that it's on to tires and anything else. Any suggestions are greatly appreciated. I'll be posting pics and results as I go. Thanks for the wealth of knowledge posted here.