Intrigued Dodge guy
Hey gas savers.
I started looking into all of this when my friend got taken for about 4000 bucks in promises like 100mpg on ANY suv with no engine mod other than a hydro generating system and some special CC. Anyway I started doing some research and ended up here after a few months. I am very intrigued. Still not sure what to believe though. I have started testing on all the stuff you see online. Well as much as my money wil let me. I really hope all this stuff is for real. If it is I will be sharing it with all my friends, family, neighbors and so on.
Anyway, I have an 02 neon and an 07 Grand Caravan. The van has an awesome warranty that I really dont want to mess up but if I can substantiate some things on my car it would be great. I have noticed about 3+ highway mpg with an acetone mix. They both also run better it seems. I recently built a map sensor adjuster that I have not wired into my car yet because I am waiting to get my scan gauge until I do anything else.
I am in the military so I dont have a lot of money. But I am an electronics technician and very handy with any tools. My question is this mainly. Can you all offer me any mpg gain ideas that can actually be tried/tested on my neon for low cost? Preferably dodge owners but if it works it doesnt really matter.
Thanks, Dan