Originally Posted by TommyGunn
i drive a toyota tacoma and i get 15mpg highway and 9 city. i got 7inchs of lift and 35inch mud tires. how can i get better gas millage w/o getting smaller tires b/c if i get smaller tires its harder to get back in the woods to drag deer out
Build yourself a 4x4 Samurai with an IDI diesel (cheaper plus WVO), drop a TDI in your taco, or gear the OD down. Aeromods will likely help. Either way, it won't be financially worthwhile for a long time unless you can wrench/fab yourself. Like anything else, if you wanna save $$$ by getting better mileage you've gotta put the time in yourself. If not, pay whatever the gas station charges...
Originally Posted by bss
i know the feeling. my 96 gmc yukon on mud terrains only gets like 16 on the highway and 12 in the city. doesnt really matter if you run the a/c or not. but i use the hell out of it. wish it got better mileage. any ideas?
Older TD or gear down the OD and keep it at 55-65mph. Aero mods could help out too. But none of this will pay for itself unless you do the work yourself. AC won't matter in that size vehicle.
Originally Posted by DaX
What does Justin do to dogs? 
Where's that pic of Bin Laden and the goat when you need it?