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Old 06-02-2007, 12:44 PM   #11
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Trash it. FUH2

You are driving one of the worst and most obnoxious vehicles ever created. It is a danger to myself and everyone else on the road.

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Old 06-02-2007, 12:48 PM   #12
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Whoa... d00d. Any vehicle larger than a bike is for all intents as dangerous as a Hummer. The 2500lb kettle calls the 6000lb pot what?

Edit- We would appear a bit more legitimate if we simply responded to what posters asked, instead of tossing opinions out.

Originally Posted by FormulaTwo
I think if i could get that type of FE i would have no problem driving a dildo shaped car.
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Old 06-02-2007, 12:52 PM   #13
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Not really considering that the bumper is higher on the H2 than it is on any other passenger vehicle on the road. It's designed largely to decimate anything in its path.
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Old 06-02-2007, 01:02 PM   #14
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Originally Posted by repete86 View Post
Not really considering that the bumper is higher on the H2 than it is on any other passenger vehicle on the road. It's designed largely to decimate anything in its path.
So is a lifted truck, but I've never read you rail on against off-roaders. Hell, even if it's more dangerous than other vehicles, it's not more dangerous than other vehicles compared to other vehicles being more dangerous than bikes... And even then, the vast majority of deaths happen because of the driver, not the vehicle (drunk/ROR). In terms of safety I'd rather have a fleet of good drivers in hummers than a fleet of poor drivers in compacts. It's still a pot/kettle deal. An Accord is marginally safer than a Hummer, with a much larger difference coming from the driver, but they're both still dangerous compared to a bike.
Originally Posted by FormulaTwo
I think if i could get that type of FE i would have no problem driving a dildo shaped car.
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Old 06-02-2007, 01:14 PM   #15
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driveing is dangerous regardless let just all get better fe no matter what. i give the guy or anyone else who even considers getting better fe props for trying in such a big vehicle i just hope he stays for the long term and improves just like everyone else.
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Old 06-02-2007, 01:25 PM   #16
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Some ideas

What kind of tires does it have? I think stock they come with BFG ATs, airing them up to 50psi probably won't hurt the ride much considering the weight of the truck.

Smooth out the front end or find someway to cover up the random depressions on the bumper and grill

Belly pan it or extend the front air dam

Ditch the roof rails if you have em or don't need em.
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Old 06-02-2007, 02:44 PM   #17
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I hate to be a stick in the mud...but change it for a different vehicle.

I it REALLY necessary to drive the H2? Is there a better alternative in terms of overall use?

I'm pretty anti H2, H3, jacked up trucks, full size vans with one small woman in it, etc. So I am biting my tongue hard being as nice as possible.

However, I am one to know that there are people that NEED a certain vehicle and some people that WANT a certain vehicle. I have no problem with people who use what they drive to the fullest efficiency. I have a problem with people who need an ego boost.

/rant. Sorry.

Back about the need factor... If it is just you and a wife...look at a different mode of transportation. I dont know your financial situation...what you owe or dont on the H2..etc. However, if it is just you and your wife at least think about a different vehicle. Even a Honda Accord gets at least mid 20s on a daily basis with out trying and being a V6.

As far as those devices...100% gimmick.

(again..sorry if I come off irritated...its just my attitude towards certain people in certain situations)

I hope you can find a good way to better your milage either way! No one mentioned this yet..look into a ScanGauge II. You can see instantaneously what your MPG is and what works for your situation. You can also switch it from car to car without a problem.

I understand buyers remorse...I bought a Scion tC. I LOVE the car..however..I have buyers remorse in ways. I came from a 3 cylinder Geo Metro that needed a major overhaul that got 40mpg no matter how hard I drove it. ..then I went to the tC..where I am more conscious of how I use the car. I am not a fuel efficiency person per say...but I try to learn as much as I can to hopefully let it eventually soak in and use the proper techniques.
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Old 06-02-2007, 03:06 PM   #18
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Lol, seriously. Because of all the negativity of the Hummers, maybe they'll become rare collector items in the future

There are just some people that drive a vehicle because they like it. End of story. I'm thinking that you're one of those drivers and I respect that. I think the H2 is a cool looking vehicle myself. I just couldn't be brave (or deep pocketed enough) to own one.

The biggest thing that comes to mind about saving fuel with your H2 is a simple concept: Limit any running of the engine other than propelling the vehcile. You could save lots of gas simply by not letting it idle. As soon as you start the SUV, start moving. If you're stopped at a stoplight that you know will be red for a while, shut off the engine, etc.

Also, your vehcile will have massive amounts of wind resistance, so keep your speed low on the highway... even less than 55 mph if you can (I have a Geo Metro and I rarely go past 50mph).

Remember, even if your fuel economy goes from 13mpg to 14mpg, that's a lot more fuel saved than say my car going from 54 mpg to 55 mpg.

Welcome to the site, and get your gaslog running!
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Old 06-02-2007, 03:55 PM   #19
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Put on highway tires instead of the offroad ones. Higher air pressure in tires. Go slower. Anticipate lights and traffic so you step on the brakes a lot less.

Find an ELF activist meeting, park the H2, put a can of gas and some matches beside it, and let them take care of the rest.
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Old 06-02-2007, 04:15 PM   #20
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Originally Posted by Peakster View Post
There are just some people that drive a vehicle because they like it. End of story. I'm thinking that you're one of those drivers and I respect that. I think the H2 is a cool looking vehicle myself. I just couldn't be brave (or deep pocketed enough) to own one.
Yeah, well said. My last car was a Civic Si, not because it was great on gas or practical, but because I liked it.

I also agree with Bill in Houston, dump those knobbies (keep 'em for winter) and get some good road tires.


2005 Saturn VUE 2.2L 5-Speed FWD
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