Howdy from Houston
Howdy from Houston. I'm the proud father of a 2006 Honda Civic Hybrid, and I'm about an five-mile trip at 45mph away from my first 50mpg tank. At least, that's what I've calculated in order to get that "50.0" to show up on my indicator. I just pray that I don't run out of gas before then.
I grew up in Detroit and became fascinated with fuel economy and automotive technology being so close to the industry. At the same time, I became increasingly frustrated with Detroit automakers with the crap they put out. As I look at my newspaper with the headline about gas prices going up, I sincerely hope that the big two-and-a-half get their act together and start making cars that are worth a damn.
I'm glad to see the various sites that have popped up like this one that help folks learn about how to lighten their fuel consumption. While I don't plan any significant mods at this time, I am at least keeping the tires maximally pumped, switching to 0W-20 at my first oil change, and significantly modifying my driving habits. I do want to look into an exhaust system upgrade to a larger pipe to reduce pumping losses (I did this with my CRX, which resulted in a 4mpg increase on the highway).
Anyhow, to the creators of this site - thanks!