Fumesucker here, so named because I'm suckin' fumes right now..
We have a 94 Nissan Altima with a 5 speed, an 89 FZR400 crotch rocket and an 87 Ranger 2.3 with a 5 speed.. The Ranger is currently hors de combat with a thrown rod and I'm getting another engine for it as soon as I can afford it.
Looking for better mileage.. DOH!
I'm near Atlanta and the gas prices are killing our budget.
Lots of interesting stuff on this forum and since I'm an old hot rodder, sports car and motorcycle enthusiast I hope I will be able to make a meaningful contribution.
For the FZR, I'm considering what is know as a "dustbin fairing", a type of motorcycle fairing that was banned from racing in 1958.. A dustbin fairing is far more aerodynamically efficient than even the best of modern crotch rockets.. The pic below is one of only two street type dustbin fairing pics I have been able to find online.. Since my FZR will already get over 60 mpg if I ride it gently, 100 mpg is not out of the question with a dustbin fairing..
The most economical car I have ever had was a 62 Lotus Elite with a 1.0 Coventry Climax SOHC engine with two SU carbs on it.. The Elite was Colin Chapman's first real exercise in his mantra for sports car performance "just add lightness"..