I just remembered that I never introduced myself. NEway, my name's Darin and I'm in and around the southern CA are. I've been bouncing around due to familial stuff (not good) ever since I graduated last dec. I'm hoping I'll find a semi-permanent (a year maybe?) place to live soon so I can go job hunting and start on my projects, or maybe even finish up the eight classes I need for my masters, although I'm not sure I want to do that to myself
. I'm something of a pack rat, and have a CB650 to get running, a vw diesel engine to swap into a nice clean rabbit gasser body, gasser parts to sell, and a buncha other stuff I'd like to do that's even farther down the line like building my own house, etc...
I have an old toyota pickup, and two, but soon to be one, vw rabbit/s.
P.s. anyone want a rabbit shell for free once I'm done with the swap? It's ugly but solid. If I finished up the bondo'ing it wouldn't be that bad cosmetically and you could drop whatever you wanted into the front end. For those of you in CA, it's titled as a diesel, so it'd be a perfect gas swap. Do what you want to it, never smog it. Just drive it like a diesel most of the time and don't get pulled over...
Barring this, I'm going to see if anyone wants the vins for their 4-door and turn the body into a
trailer. Which is YAP.
P.p.s Ttyalll, gotta go to Vegas.