Hi there
Just to introduce myself.
I have a 1969 Buick that I am trying to push the envelope on both HP and MPG. It's a very fun car, but getting MPG on a big 455 motor isn't easy!
So far I've converted to computerized FI, I have a 2.56 rearend, and a few other tricks. Right now, my next step will be getting a custom camshaft ground to be a good compromise between HP and MPG- my current cam probably has too much intake duration for an efficient burn.
In the past I've gotten over 19 MPG (hwy), and the car runs 11's in the 1/4 mile. Not bad for 4300# car. I consistently to break 20 MPG and hit the 10's, which I think is achievable with a bit more work.
Anyhow, I look forward to learning/talking about MPG.
-Bob Cunningham