Hi I'm Mike and I'm a Gasaholic...
and enjoying the path of recovery. (no offense meant to any 12 steppers)
I've been in and around cars since the mid '70s, competed in SCCA Formula Vee and Formula Ford, bought an original Ford Escort just so I could say I had a Hemi under the hood...
But I've been a mileage junkie too. I had a book (from HP press?) called fuel economy driving, I used to compete in "mileage races", everyone drains their tank and is given a 1 gal can of gas, whoever makes it the furthest along the rally route wins. A lot of fun (and a lot of cheaters)
Since selling my deeply loved VW Golf (that got 36-40mpg) and buying a Suburu Legacy L wagon (2wd) I have been quite miserable at the gas pump, I had been getting 24-28mpg commuting to work (67mph cruise control over rolling hills).
After dreaming and drooling over plug-in conversions I found Darin's MetroMPG.com web site, and the page on Pulse and Glide. That just pumped me up to 44mpg along the same route. Not great IMO, but a heck of an improvement.
Here's to more learning and the slowest racing on earth!
"If you want to save gas I suggest you permanently remove the drivers seat and steering wheel. That seems to help." -Oscar Halverson