I do remember having the VX tranny in at one point trying to accelerate on the highway. I realized how "tall" the gearing was the first day, trying to climb hills. I do know also that the VX 2nd gear redlines at 70mph

That, and the 5th gear on the VX probably would redline at about 300 mph

, that's if you could get the torque and not have a speed limiter.
Right now, the thing that I have realized this last week though, for my application, if I stay right around 57mph-ish, it's is still under 2700 rpms, in the SI 5th gear, which means that the "beast" vtec (haha) has not come alive until over that speed with this tranny. Kinda interesting since 55mph is about where I want to be cruising at. I know it would still be at a lower rpm with the vx tranny, but I wouldn't be able to climb some of these mountains very well, even in 2nd gear. I think the engine would not produce enough torque to accelerate shifting from 2nd to 3rd on a vx tranny going up some of the mountains here in Colorado.
What I really wish Honda had made is a 6speed vx model. Vtec-E maybe like 1.4L-ish, SI gearing for gears 1-4, 5th gear dx model, and a 6th gear vx model tall gear for highway cruising.
My dream car is soon going to be created, hopefully in the next few months.
Here is what it is:
- Decently aerodynamic vx model civic (once the minor aero mods are done)
- 60+ mpg
- low maintenance (this is a big one)
- lasts a lifetime (also highly important)
- good resale value (I still think that in the next five years, this model could go up in price)
- cheap parts, and easy to work on (well, cheap except for oxygen sensors
A car should be ideally designed to do 0-60 in 6 seconds and still get 60+mpg.
A motorcylce should be ideally designed to do 0-60 in less than 3 seconds and still get 60+mpg.
I am going to have a contest between my 92 vx civic and my 2001 honda cbr 600cc sportbike for FE. Any ideas on what the outcome will be?