Hello all!
Just found this website, after looking for tips on improving fuel economy!. Already I have found loads of useful info here, having only found it 24 hours ago!. Before visiting the site, I had already 'invented' by myself : Driving behind lorries, engine-off coasting etc!. I have now found a lot of new tips here, and tried properly using engine-off coasting today, getting 60 miles from the fuel gauge, where I might only get 30-50 miles. (and... my
thermostat is not sealing properly at all, meaning the engine would cool right down on the temp gauge after a
3.6 mile coast)
My car is a 1987 Nissan Bluebird 1.8 Turbo (8 valve). It is a 'T12' and in the States would most likely be known as a 'Stanza'. It uses a permanently open-loop fuel injection system, together with a low-compression engine, to get pretty poor fuel economy. Here, we pay $6.60 per gallon (I have converted to US gallons for this), and I get a fuel economy of 32.5mpg average. This is again in US gallons - so a lot of room for improvement!. My
current economy is actually markedly better than many of the people I know who drive this car, and is better than the official economy figures!.
Looking forward to finding out more about getting very good fuel economy
- it is nice to save money, but also to reduce the damage I am doing to the environment!. Maybe next spring I will complete the EV cycle I started this winter too!
Edit : My car also has LPG half-fitted (need to finish that off soon). It currently serves as a useful way to cut
power to the engine and bump-start it again, all under the LPG system control!
Team GasMisers5 - #1 for first three rounds of the original GS Fuel Economy Challenge
Miles displaced by e-bike since 1 Jan 2008: 62.6 ( 0 kWh used)