Greetings fuel misers!
I am so happy that I stumbled over this site. I thought I was the only person in the world, here in So Cal, that worried about fuel consumption. People around here have large SUVs and drive extremely fast - they have blatant disregard for such a precious resource. Although I have a few vehicles, they are all small in displacement <2.0l. I have an 03 Honda Civic (1.7l and gets around 32 - 36 mpg - daily driver. I have two 250cc motorcycles, a Ninja 250! Woot! (50+mpg) the way I ride, and a GZ250 that gives me close to 80mpg! - I ride this one a lot more laid back. I switch off time to time to spread the miles to work and back around.
Anyways, I'm here and am going try to be an interactive participant on this website and hope to learn a few more tricks of the trade.
Thank you all!