After extensive reading on this most excellent site, I thought I would take a moment to introduce myself. I'm a relative new comer to the MPG scene, but have been active with automotive performance for quite a long time. With escalating gas prices and a new sense of concern for the environment and depleting oil resources, I finally came to the conclusion that it was time for me to park my "toys" and get real about efficiency to go along with any performance. Since I will only buy American automobiles, I did some research and became quite enamored with GM's Ecotec series of 4 cylinder engines, and purchased an 04 Cavalier with a 2.2 Ecotec to use as my test bed and daily driver. In box stock condition it has given me a combined mileage rating of 30 MPG, being driven a little too aggressively on my part. Hey, some habits die hard.

I'm using increased tire pressure and trying to improve my driving style as my first battery of tests, and I will be installing a Scangage tomorrow. Hopefully I will be able to report back here with some tales of success.

Now please excuse me, as I have a lot more reading to do.