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Old 06-14-2008, 10:44 PM   #1
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Greetings all

How are you?

I have to commute 180 km a day for work. I do intend to move closer to work, but that won't happen until the end of the year.

I drive a 1999 Ford Escort sedan, 2.0L 4cyl and automatic transmission. I am running the tires at 38 lbs and I shut the engine off and coast whenever possible. My best tank so far to refuel has been 775 km, and I know there's room for improvement. Any advice?


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Old 06-15-2008, 03:56 AM   #2
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Welcome aboard!

775km (which is about 480 miles if my math is correct) is pretty decent.

Feel free to start keeping a gas log, over in the garage section.

What sort of interests do you have? Do you like tinkering with engines? Bodywork to improve aerodynamics? Want to just focus on driving technique?

We'll enjoy having you around, there's lots to learn & share.

-Bob Cunningham

Think you are saving gas? Prove it by starting a Gas Log, then conduct a proper experiment.
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Old 06-15-2008, 05:50 AM   #3
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Be careful with Engine-Off Coasting (EOC) with an automatic transmission. Most automatics depend on power from the engine to keep the oil circulating, and could overheat or go dry with the engine off. Check the manual for your car to see if it says you can tow it behind an RV with all four wheels on the ground. If it says you can, then you are ok to EOC.

Something that will help you more accurately determine if an experiment works is to determine your actual fuel efficiency rather than the distance you can go on one tank of fuel. Usually in the US it's measured in Miles Per Gallon, but since you described your distance in km, you may be somewhere where it's more common to measure differently. I think the other common measurement is Liters Per 100km. You can easily figure this out; you already have half the data you need, the distance on your tank. The other half is how much fuel you put in. Divide and enjoy! You could also enter the data into the gaslog for your car here, and the website will calculate it for you.
This sig may return, some day.
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