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Old 06-25-2009, 12:18 PM   #1
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Crazy or not, I am here..


I am here as an MPG fanatic. I have been into high mileage cars since I was 13 (was a boy, now a boy, only in an adult body.) I know it's possible because I did it to my motorcycle on accident. It broke down one night coming home from work and needed to be overhauled. I rebuild the carb but plugged the fuel hoses in wrong so the vent hose ended up feeding the fuel inlet, only sucking in vapors from the top. Since the tank was located next to the engine I guess it managed to heat up the tank enough so that it wouldn't freeze. I wish I knew the specifics now, but long story short, I went from 68 mpg to 266. I was lucky that I didn't burn out the engine, and rode it this way for sevaral months. Unfortunately I sold it because I needed cash. I wish at that time I was mechanically inclined, because then I would have documented everything.

Now that I have a shop complete with tools and everything, I am ready to modify my 99' Corolla. It's in the shop completely dismantled, so I can work all day on it and leave it in pieces. I get a measly 30-34 mpg on it, and know it's capable of so much more. I also tend to drive a lot, so even pulling it up to 40 mpg would be much appreciated. I have no mods or anything to the car at the moment. Just 40 psi in the tires and regular 85 octane gas.

I am very interested in performing many experiments and if someone would be willing to display (distribute, host) the files, whatever you call it, I'd be happy to provide the video files. I am all about cold hard facts, so I am here to prove things right or wrong (when I can).

So, anyway, what I really would like to ask of you guys, is for a link to maybe an FAQ or index of modifications that I can do to my car so that I can feast on the information and start on the experimenting. From my research, I am very interested in the Hot Air Intake and plan to do it to the car, and am interested in anything else that can be done without the use of hydrogen or something like that. I have seen an HHO generator explode and that was enough to scare the s*** out of me.

Hope I can contribute, please lead me to the information sources, and I'll do what I can. Thanks!

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Old 06-25-2009, 12:34 PM   #2
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Welcome. If you put your videos on Youtube, Google Video, Metacafe, or they can be embedded in posts on this forum. If you prefer another video site that supports embedding, I may be able to set it up to embed here.

Here's a "Welcome" thread with links to FAQs/lists:

Here's a glossary (also linked at the top of the screen):

Also at the top of the screen:
I don't agree with everything in there, but you should take it as you please.

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Old 06-25-2009, 01:19 PM   #3
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Also, don't forget to check out the top ten list of vehicles in the garage. You can always look and see what they're doing, and see if you can apply it to your vehicle.


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Old 06-25-2009, 07:06 PM   #4
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Thanks for the information, that's what I was looking for. I will start a build up thread of my Chevy (which is being overhauled) and experiment with a few of these mods.
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Old 06-26-2009, 03:34 AM   #5
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another thing to consider is the purchase of a scangauge.

I know you have been doing this a while but this helped me out a lot. you may already have one and if you do, disregard this statement. there are other places to find it too.
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