Originally Posted by c3474i
I was hesitant about the hummer thing, too, but think about all the mining, refining, and manufacturing to make all the extra parts a prius needs. All those proceses use petroleum... not only that but think about what happens when a prius is wrecked vs. a hummer. Its far more likely that the hummer will be repaired and back on the road, not "totaled out". So, as far as life time (milage) expectancy you probably need to make two priuses to match that of one hummer... I thought about this way too much! 
No, no, no. If any of it were true, a Prius would cost twice what it does. If it really took allllll that much energy to build a Prius, Toyota would make you pay for it. It's just a bunch of junk put together by someone paid off by the US automakers. Thinking about something a lot doesn't make it true.
Anyway, welcome, good luck, etc.