Originally Posted by MetroMPG
Hi Trebuchet - welcome to the site.
Where else on the web might I have seen the vid for your team's fairing construction? Before you posted here, I'm pretty sure I saw it somewhere else... Makezine Blog? Hmmm..
As for fasteners for aero stuff - duct tape is your friend! (Though probably not for the under body). Also Dzus fasteners is a name I've read several times.
Yep, the Make: Blog picked it up - it's being documented on instructables. I have the next phase finished (making the tool), except the google video uploader kinda crapped out on me (and the video is 200+megs).
And Dzus fasteners are great! Funny, we actually use flush mount Dzus fasteners on our HPV (to remove the fairing quickly if needed).
I need to find a place that sells these locally so I can go in and look and touch and measure. For some simple trim fasteners, you can try Lowe's or Home Depot. I got the fasteners for my air dam mod at Lowe's.
Thanks for the link - I'll dig around there and see what I can come up with :P I actually had a dream last night of a cheap spring snap type method. I just need to find a material that has the right stiffness (I think perhaps the material used for flashing will work). I'll let you know when I eventually get to experimenting with it.
I was also thinking of some sort of non permanent/encapsulated adhesive. Something like those dent remove systems. The major concern would be clear coat reactiveness and peeling upon removal. Or even "staining" from lack of UV wear (compared to the rest of the body). Just tossing around ideas.
I will be very interested in your "no holes" barred aero solutions because I believe in reversible mods.
It's quite a hefty design constraint :P
HPV? Aren't they vaccinating for that nowadays?
To be honest, I personally feel it's the first major vaccination to hit the market since the polio vaccination. It still doesn't change my opinion on the business of pharmaceuticals - the money and customer base is in treatment - not cures :/ Sorry :P But yes, we've gotten that joke a lot. For awhile we were considering T-shirts that said "I got HPV at [university name]"
Do tell. The above mentioned Jetta will get a pan this summer.....
I'm waiting until I can get to editing the video on how to make the mold shape

But in it's likely, you've heard of this or at least seen it on another vehicle. But application is key.
Thanks for the great response