Hey, how's you'se guys doin'?! I'm a transplanted New Jersey guy living in So California. I've got a wife who loves me, a son who thinks I'm a superhero, and a God who blesses me.
I said "smug" because I thrashed around in the "diesel" forum, under "thoughts on TDI's" and I guess I came across as, uh... smug. I love my TDI and lifting up such a near-perfect vehicle to extoll its virtues and seeking others' praise may APPEAR smug, but I'm actually very humble. Almost perfectly so.
I'm flogging a 2000 Jetta TDI/5-speed with 140K on the clock, 100K+ on home crafted biodiesel. Since joining this group, I've used the info gleaned to go from 44-point-something MPG to 52.2 MPG in three tankfuls. At this rate, I'll be getting over 1700 MPG in six months. I can't wait!!
The rest of the fleet consists of a '93 Dodge Cummins/automatic that brings 17-21 MPG to the table, an '84 Benz 300SD/auto that pulls mid-20's, and an 85 Benz 190D/auto that gets mid-to-upper 20's. Oh yeah, an early 80's Kubota 3-cylinder diesel tractor. The MPG is nothing to brag about, though. I tried raising the tire pressure, putting fairings over the wheels, and a belly pan, but I've seen no increase in FE
Biodiesel. I love it. Fuel, parts cleaner, hand degreaser, rust-buster... what can't it do? Great fuel, lousy beverage.
I like to laugh, try not to get bent out of shape too easily, and I don't "flame". I try to take some time to think before I shoot off my mouth. Or fingers. Whatever.
If you're in So Cal and you see a black Jetta that smell like a Chinese fry joint, has "Nemo" stickers in the back windows, and an NRA license plate frame, just wave and smile. I'll give you a blank stare for a moment (the hood springs on the Dodge are a little weak, and the slightest breeze will close it with concussive results) and then smile and wave back.