Hey guys! I first found this site about two years ago and it helped me gain a few miles per gallon, but I decided today that it's time to register for an account. I've got a '94 Civic EX Coupe 1.6vtec that I just put back on the road today after a few unfortunate events. I wouldn't really call myself a hypermiler, as I don't feel comfortable with many of the techniques, and think that some would lead to excessive tire wear and would be pretty dangerous on PA back roads (Blind driveways, hills, deer).
Anyways, last time I drove it a year ago I was averaging 36MPG (mostly back roads, hilly Pennsylvania), and had tanks as high as 39mpg. This seems low for a car like this. I drove my fathers 94 Civic LX Sedan and have gotten as much as 44mpg on 300 mile tanks fairly easy by accelerating slowly with paying special attention to being VERY light on the pedal & doing plenty of coasting.
I bought my car as an automatic, and my father and I converted it to manual over a 2 month period - never thought to get a new computer for it, I'm still using the automatic computer (Not sure if that has an effect on mileage?) and I'm still using the original O2 censor, and it's probably about time I change that out too. I don't see why I shouldn't be getting at least 38mpg tanks consistently with the way I drive compared to other civics I've drove.
Would any of you feel it's necessary to upgrade the air intake also? I'm still using the stock airbox. I'm running at 36lbs of pressure per tire on 14 inch steelies also.
What are some other tips you guys have for civics?
I'm looking forward to learning from your experience and especially saving some $$$!