Fuelly calculates MPG on *wrong* tank of fuel... - Fuelly Forums

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Old 11-22-2024, 11:48 AM   #1
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Fuelly calculates MPG on *wrong* tank of fuel...

I'm a long time user and used aCar originally. Back when I first started using aCar in 2011 it also calculated the MPG incorrectly. I wrote the app author and he actually fixed it! It stayed fixed for a while but at some point after Fuelly took over, it went back to being incorrectly calculated.

For example, when I fill up and input that I added say 18.7 gallons, it shows me the MPG immediately for the tank I just filled up. That's not right... I didn't get 18.7 mpg on the gas I just added because I JUST added it and haven't even driven the car yet. The mpg should be calculated on the PREVIOUS tank when I fill up and the record for my brand new right now fill up for MPG should remain blank until I fill up again.

This is important if, for example, you're using 87 octane one time and then 93 octane the next and want to see how it affects your gas mileage. But, because Fuelly is calculating your MPG instantly on the tank you just filled up, it doesn't work and isn't accurate.

PLEASE can somebody fix this. I like the app very much but this is very aggravating. lol I've emailed support a few times over a long period and they just say "wait for the next update" and then when the next update comes it's still not right. Thanks!

Note: See attached image. When I filled up with 17.60 gallons on Nov 9th it *immediately* put 17.0mpg in there. When I fill up, it should calculate the mpg for the tank I filled up on Sep 23rd because the calculation goes with that tank where I added 17.77 gallons to the tank. My Nov 9th data for mpg should remain BLANK until I fill up again.
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Old 12-17-2024, 07:15 PM   #2
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I know exactly how frustrated you are! The software must correctly display the MPG for every tank, particularly when testing with different octanes. It appears that there is a serious problem with the way the data is handled once it has been filled out. I'm hoping the developers will consider your suggestions and give this repair top priority shortly. I hope the issue will be resolved in the upcoming version, since your thorough explanation is really useful in illuminating it.

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Old 12-19-2024, 08:24 AM   #3
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Originally Posted by demarioshanan View Post
I know exactly how frustrated you are! The software must correctly display the MPG for every tank, particularly when testing with different octanes. It appears that there is a serious problem with the way the data is handled once it has been filled out. I'm hoping the developers will consider your suggestions and give this repair top priority shortly. I hope the issue will be resolved in the upcoming version, since your thorough explanation is really useful in illuminating it.
Thank you! The crazy part is that I started using the aCar like 15 or so years ago. The app then did exactly what it is doing now in calculating on the wrong tank. I emailed the aCar author and explained it to him and he was like "Wow, you're right. I'll fix it in the next release." and he did! It worked correctly for years. Then, Fuelly bought out aCar and, at some point, it went back to being wrong again. ARGH!

As for a quick fix... don't hold your breath. I've been submitting this "bug" for a couple years now and there's been many releases and still broke. I gave up on submitting the stuff through the app and thought I'd try here.
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Old 12-25-2024, 11:13 PM   #4
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I understand how irritated you are! The MPG for each tank must be accurately displayed by the programme, especially when testing with various octanes. There seems to be a significant issue with the way the data is managed once it has been submitted. I'm hoping the developers would take your advice into account and prioritise this correction as soon as possible.
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