Originally Posted by emugga
I actually found my gas receipt with the mileage written down, and was able to add my missing tank myself. Please ignore my request for assistance. Thanks!
Good to hear.
As a progress report- we're digging through these backup files at the moment.
Ultimately, there was at least 1 error (maybe an invalid fuelup, or a partial sync that broke, and was unable to pick up where it left off, or some other crazy one-off-situation) that prevented data from that fuel up on from syncing properly. We're having to find that error, find a means of correcting it, and then pushing the data up to the server. It's quite tedious.
As we start finding a trend, it'll help us move through these faster. Please bare with us.
If you haven't yet received a response via email or through the feedback system in the app, I apologize, but am currently helping with going through these backups. I haven't forgotten about you, and I'll send you a response as we get closer to restoring your data.