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Old 08-30-2016, 09:48 PM   #1
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Post Issues and Questions with GC 3.0 Update

Updated to Gas Cubby 3.0 today (have been a Pro user for a few years). Here are some of my issues and some questions.

1. Forced Data Migration (and required editing of vehicle info) Upon Launch

Frustrating for the app to immediately conduct a sync/migration/update (including updating vehicle information which I did not have on me at the time) first thing upon launching the 3.0 app for the first time. Happened at a very bad time for me, but the app warned that if I disconnected (left my wifi network), I risked migration problems (data loss/corruption?). Would have been MUCH better if app would have warned me of the time (and info!) required, and then allowed me to pick "not now" and shut down until a much better time. Perhaps it's in there somewhere/somehow, but it certainly wasn't clear to me (and I'm a programmer). I felt like my phone was hijacked for 15+ minutes upon simply launching the new app (which I only did to take a look- not to conduct a data migration then/there). I'm just sharing my experience- not intending it as a rant.

2. Duplicate (and Error-Labeled) Entries for a Vehicle

I had 7 vehicles in my previous Gas Cubby app. With the app update, one of the vehicles is showing duplicate entries. It seems every single fuel-up and service entry for that vehicle is entered twice- with the "upper" of the two entries highlighted in red with a "errors, unable to sync" message. Bizarrely, each duplicate entry has the cost total offset by $0.01 from its "twin." When I open one up, it resolves to the same price (changes by $0.01). Upon investigating those error-labeled entries, they each say something along the lines of "The fuel-up that you're trying to add is exactly the same as a previous fuel-up." Well, obviously. Why did that happen? They weren't in Gas Cubby 2.x. And what am I supposed to do now? Delete some/all? Which ones? I don't want to lose any data, obviously. And this is further complicated by...

3. Syncing with spouse's device

My wife also tracks our vehicles on her iPhone through Gas Cubby. These had been synced for a few years. I have now updated Gas Cubby, but my wife cannot at this time (due to non-Fuelly issues), and has to keep using the old app for a while. Will our entries/vehicles keep syncing with each other, or has my data now moved to my (new) Fuelly account? My wife filled up today- her fill-up logged in Gas Cubby 2.x is not appearing in my Gas Cubby 3.0. Are we now running off of separate data? If so, that's a real problem and something I should have been warned about (and given the option to avoid/delay/fix) before Gas Cubby 3.0 just migrating everything over automatically upon first launch. So- what are my wife and I supposed to do now? How do I get her ongoing fill-up/service data (and vice-versa)? Manually double-log everything? Have her just quit using the app for now? Am I missing something and it's already supposed to work? And how do I solve #2 above given that my wife is still on Gas Cubby 2.x? What will happen when she upgrades to 3.0? Especially if/when she makes her own Fuelly account? I feel like this is a huge can of worms. Didn't realize this might even be an issue until after performing app update on my phone (after being prompted to do so by the App Store), and being prompted by Gas Cubby to create a Fuelly account (which I did).

4. Missing Vehicle Data

It appears that with Gas Cubby 3.0, some vehicle info is no longer tracked (and has disappeared into the ether?). SCRATCH THAT- I just found it. I was missing things like License Plate, Insurance Policy, Tire Size, etc. However- I found them. It seems they're only visible when I click "Edit" on a vehicle. They do not show anywhere on the "Vehicle Info" page. It seems an awfully convoluted, unintuitive, and dangerous (one more click from the edit page and I delete the whole vehicle) way to have to find/view this information for each car. Why doesn't it appear in the "Vehicle Info" page? Or on the Fuelly website (which I'm experiencing for the first time)?

Not exactly a smooth or clear version transition. Didn't really know what I was getting into either when I told the iPhone to update the app. Just sharing my experience, and also hoping to get answers about #2 and #3.



5. French Keyboard?
Perhaps most frustrating of all, I've now discovered that when trying to edit the Notes field of a pre-existing fill-up entry on my iPhone app, the language spell-checker is apparently defaulting to French (as opposed to English). So when I try and write "Edited from..." it is autocorrecting to "Édités fromage". You can't make this stuff up. I was able to change the keyboard and its autopredict back to English (tap the globe icon on the keyboard and select English (US) from the list).

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Old 08-30-2016, 10:49 PM   #2
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Regarding #2, I am getting the same problem. One of my 3 vehicles is having an "Errors, Unable to Sync" message. On the website, it's fine, but on the app, I have duplicates for each entry (causing the error).

As for #3, my wife and I stopped syncing the same app a while ago cause we ran into issues... Since then, she just calls me and I enter it in while she's at the gas station... Not the best solution, but it's worked...

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Old 08-30-2016, 10:50 PM   #3
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Apparently I'm beyond the allowable editing time (60 minutes), so here's what would have been my edit to the end of my original post...


6. Incorrect Gallon Resolution Upon Migration
Figured out the reason behind the $.01 difference here and there. It seems that in GC 3.0, all fuel-ups are resolving the gallons to 2 decimal places, rather than 3. In comparing with my wife's phone, the same fill-up for a car in GC 3.0 will be 9.320 gallons, whereas on her phone in GC 2.x it is 9.319. Similarly, the prior one in GC 3.0 will list as 4.400, whereas it was actually 4.403 in GC 2.x. When multiplied by the Cost/Gallon (now shown as "Unit Price" in GC 3.0), this results in different total costs for each fill-up/service. Aside from the fact that these really add up over time, it is also highly undesirable because now these entries don't match receipts and records in my financial software (not to mention that they don't match what's on my wife's phone). Looks like yet another GC 3.0 migration error. I assume this one is irreversible? Not sure how they would go back and properly update all entries for all cars. Sigh...
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Old 08-30-2016, 11:01 PM   #4
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Originally Posted by iceknyght View Post
Regarding #2, I am getting the same problem. One of my 3 vehicles is having an "Errors, Unable to Sync" message. On the website, it's fine, but on the app, I have duplicates for each entry (causing the error).
I can confirm that in my case they similarly appear to be correct on the website, but duplicated on the app.

Originally Posted by iceknyght View Post
As for #3, my wife and I stopped syncing the same app a while ago cause we ran into issues... Since then, she just calls me and I enter it in while she's at the gas station... Not the best solution, but it's worked...
Ouch. That's not even a solution- that's just removing a user from the situation completely. I'm not saying YOU'VE done anything wrong, of course. I'm more shocked at the implication of the fallout from the update. As of this morning my wife and I were both logging/using/syncing and happy as clams. The simple act of me updating my app shouldn't result in my wife suddenly (and permanently?) not being able to access/log the info (and both of us syncing). Talk about a MAJOR step back in functionality...
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Old 08-31-2016, 08:28 PM   #5
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1. The new app has a new database structure which requires information that was not in the old app.
2. Check the website, if the website is duplicate and error free, with no missing data you can log out of the app then back in, this well sync website back to the app.
3. Gas Cubby 2.x and 3.x do not share there databases. Until your wife can update to Gas Cubby 3 she can log her fuel ups via, logging into your new account. When she is ready to update to Gas Cubby 3, check for any entries that are not synced to Fuelly and reenter in your Gas Cubby 3, delete her version of Gas Cubby 2.x then install GC3 and log in with your account. The fuel up your wife did yesterday, and anything that wasn't synced before you updated to GC3 will need to be reentered in GC3.
4. I think you found answer.
5. Does it alway default to the French keyboard?

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Old 08-31-2016, 08:34 PM   #6
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Thanks for the detailed feedback. I'd like to apologize for the technical issues. Rest assured your data is safe, we designed the upgrade so that you old data would be backed up (users get an email with a link to the back) and the old database also remains unchanged on your phone. So users will not loose any data.

We are aware of the duplicate entry issue and working to get a fix out for that ASAP. I cannot provide an ETA but we are working as fast as we can. Please just leave the dupes in the logs and we should be able to prune them out here shortly.

As for syncing, that's a native feature in Fuelly. You can share cars. If you want to just have a single login, it should be very easy for each of you to login with the same user/pass and access the vehicle data. If you want your own logins that's doable too. We have a featured called Vehicle Sharing where you can share a vehicle with another user.

Thanks again for the detailed feedback. It was very helpful and we will work on the copy of the app before we rollout the version for the Gas Cubby Free users.

Look for more posts from us in the days/week ahead with fixes to issues.
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Old 08-31-2016, 09:26 PM   #7
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Thanks for the response(s), LittleHim.

Originally Posted by LittleHim View Post
1. The new app has a new database structure which requires information that was not in the old app.
I understand. But I think the real issue for me is that I as a user wasn't informed about this ahead-of-time. Especially the notion that it was going to happen immediately upon launch, and that it was forever taking me in a new direction and I would be cut from the old (and the syncing with my wife). In my opinion, new versions of the app should definitely inform the user what is going to happen (1-way data migration to new DB structure) and what functionality may be lost, how much time it may take (potentially many minutes), what new info will be necessary (so they can have it on hand), and allow them to decide whether or not to proceed (an elegant quit/exit/"not now" option). Until then, they should retain 2.x functionality. Obviously it's too late for me, but this sort of approach can definitely present similar frustrating situations for other users. The user should give the "OK, let me take the plunge" order. The app shouldn't do it without consent.

Originally Posted by LittleHim View Post
2. Check the website, if the website is duplicate and error free, with no missing data you can log out of the app then back in, this well sync website back to the app.
Got it. But can't check it yet, because as per Fuelly's email and website request, I am waiting to launch/use GC 3.0 again until Fuelly gives the "go ahead" notice to us all (presumably when the server load is eventually back under control).

Originally Posted by LittleHim View Post
3. Gas Cubby 2.x and 3.x do not share there databases. Until your wife can update to Gas Cubby 3 she can log her fuel ups via, logging into your new account. When she is ready to update to Gas Cubby 3, check for any entries that are not synced to Fuelly and reenter in your Gas Cubby 3, delete her version of Gas Cubby 2.x then install GC3 and log in with your account. The fuel up your wife did yesterday, and anything that wasn't synced before you updated to GC3 will need to be reentered in GC3.
I understand, and I appreciate the options you present to keep dual-user syncing working in the future. Would really have loved to know this was in store before it all proceeding just by updating.

Originally Posted by LittleHim View Post
4. I think you found answer.
I found the missing info. I still say though that it doesn't make sense (and is dangerous from a data-retention standpoint) for them to only be viewable when clicking "edit" for an entry. They should be viewable right there in the Vehicle Info pane. If that's not doable, then there should at least be a "More Info" or "Details" button. Requiring "Edit" to view further information not shown anywhere else just doesn't make sense.

Originally Posted by LittleHim View Post
5. Does it alway default to the French keyboard?
Not sure. I will check once Fuelly says it's OK to begin accessing/using GC 3.0 again.

Also, not sure if you saw my comment #6 about decimal resolution for fill-ups. This is resulting in Gas Cubby 3.0 actually changing data from 2.x, and storing it incorrectly. GC 3.0 needs to maintain the proper total amounts paid from all Gas Cubby 2.x entries, and also display/record 3 decimal places' worth (just like the pumps at the station). It's currently rounding everything to 2 decimal places (with a 0 for the 3rd decimal digit) and this is resulting in errors from he rounding.
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Old 08-31-2016, 09:39 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by andyrobo View Post
Thanks for the detailed feedback. I'd like to apologize for the technical issues. Rest assured your data is safe, we designed the upgrade so that you old data would be backed up (users get an email with a link to the back) and the old database also remains unchanged on your phone. So users will not loose any data.

We are aware of the duplicate entry issue and working to get a fix out for that ASAP. I cannot provide an ETA but we are working as fast as we can. Please just leave the dupes in the logs and we should be able to prune them out here shortly.

As for syncing, that's a native feature in Fuelly. You can share cars. If you want to just have a single login, it should be very easy for each of you to login with the same user/pass and access the vehicle data. If you want your own logins that's doable too. We have a featured called Vehicle Sharing where you can share a vehicle with another user.

Thanks again for the detailed feedback. It was very helpful and we will work on the copy of the app before we rollout the version for the Gas Cubby Free users.

Look for more posts from us in the days/week ahead with fixes to issues.
Thanks for the response, Andy. And you're welcome for the feedback; I hope it helps. If I discover further issues or encounter further developments with any of these already reported, I'll add them. In the meantime, though, I'm mostly going to be sitting back, not using Gas Cubby at all, and waiting for Fuelly to get its data servers under control.
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Old 09-03-2016, 11:46 AM   #9
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I've lost all my 'service records' and all my fill ups are duplicated along with service reminders. This is absolutely ridiculous. I was hijacked and forces to upgrade while I was standing at the gas pump. Help!!!
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Old 09-03-2016, 07:34 PM   #10
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I deleted my vehicle by mistake after the duplicates showed up. Now I lost my data too. How can I restore my data from day 1 of the upgrade or just before it.

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