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Old 09-01-2016, 06:35 AM   #1
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Gas Cubby v3 issues and privacy

As many users I was waiting for a long time for Gas Cubby update and I updated as soon as it released on the App Store. I logging in with my fuelly account (didn't have any data on fuelly) and stated using the app.

One issue I had with the new app is that the fuel consumption was not appearing next to each fuelup and when it was appearing it was wrong (for example 175L/100km!). I restarted the app, logged out and in from my fuelly account, restarted the app again and voila, it worked. Fuel consumption is correct.

But the problems don't stop here. With the old app I was adding a new fuelup by entering the cost/liter and the total cost. The app was calculating the liters I paid for. On the new Gas Cubby the algorithm has some flaws and it thinks that liters=cost. It doesn't divide the total cost with cost/l to calculate the liters. I entered some other values and found out that if the cost/l is above 2 it calculates correctly the liters. Please fix your algorithm.

Another issue is that I can no longer edit the octane field and add my own names in there. I had added my own names for fuel types of specific gas brands (like V-Power or V-Power racing) and now I have lost all these data. Could I retrieve these and add them in the new app?

I think the biggest issue with the new app is not a bug but the way gas cubby works. I was disappointed that I had to login to fuelly to start using the app. I was expecting that but hoping to be able to use the app like before and store all the data locally on my phone. Even with this behaviour I could disallow gas cubby from connecting to the internet using my data plan and use it like before. But the first time I started the app all of my data was uploaded to fuelly. That would be a nice feature if we could select which data could be seen by others and which could not. Now all of my data are accessible by everyone including dates of my fuelups and money I paid each time. I think you should consider more about users' privacy. These data are not useful for anyone. I could accept that everyone could see my average consumption, my best one and my last one but not all of my data for each fuelup.
If you are not planning to change this policy I'm thinking to close my fuelly account, create a fake one just for logging in to gas cubby and using the app without internet connection so all of my data would be accessible only from me. Maybe a better way woulb be to revert to the old app which was working without flaws for me and had everything I wanted.

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Old 09-01-2016, 04:05 PM   #2
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Thanks for your feedback. We appreciate such detailed information and are looking into the issues you reported.

You can indeed use GasCubby offline and not use sync (keeping the data locally).

The email to your SQLite fie was done as a precaution as we want to make sure no data is lost for anyone. We plan to purge those files once the migration is over. We will send emails to everyone before that is done. We do not open those files unless asked by a member for support. They are not available to the public and none of the data was added to the database. If you prefer we can purge your file ASAP, if that makes you feel better.

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Old 09-02-2016, 04:21 PM   #3
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I think I found two other issues.

The Avg prive/km is totally wrong. This could be eeasily calculated as expense divided by km. For km and expense you should count only the values between fuelups and not total km and total expense. Also the latest partial fuelups should not be considered since the consumption for these liters has not been calculated.

On "Fuel Price Per Liter" screen in landscape mode I change the period time for X axis and the chart changes but the values on Y axis are not affected. I'm pretty sure they should (at least for my data).

I'd like an answer for my question about privacy. Is there any way to hide the uploaded data (cost of each fuelup, dates, notes, liters, services e.t.c.) from the public and keep these data private? I don't care if anyone could see my avg cosumption (which would make sense for fuelly) but I don't like that anyone knows when I visit the gas station.
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Old 09-04-2016, 03:51 PM   #4
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I totally agree about the privacy concerns.

Yes, feel free to report my average gas mileage.

No, do not make it so that anyone can plow through my detailed daily gas and maintenance logs.

That's enough to make me abandon a product that I've been using for 7 years...

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Old 09-10-2016, 10:35 AM   #5
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Originally Posted by yakala View Post
I'd like an answer for my question about privacy. Is there any way to hide the uploaded data (cost of each fuelup, dates, notes, liters, services e.t.c.) from the public and keep these data private? I don't care if anyone could see my avg cosumption (which would make sense for fuelly) but I don't like that anyone knows when I visit the gas station.
A primary tenet when Fuelly was founded is transparency. The founders felt strongly that by being open it would allow for users to see the data that makes up the crowdsourced mileage estimates. I acquired Fuelly in 2012 and although I feel transparency is still important, I understand the desire to keep your information private. That being said, we will explore adding a switch on the site to set some data private but I cannot provide an ETA on that at this time (developers are busy making sure the apps/API are working properly).

One thing to keep in mind is that currently most sensitive data is removed from fuel-ups to the public. Only you see that information such as notes, location, etc. I would suggest going to view your profile in incognito mode so you can see what someone else would see.

Another alternative is to simply not use the sync function of the app. That will essentially put you back to what GasCubby was before.
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Old 09-12-2016, 05:24 AM   #6
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On the latest version I am able to use the app and skipping fuelly integration. It wasn't possible on previous version. Thank you for fixing this.

Another issue I found: I deleted all the gas brands and services I will never use and after restarting the app all of them came back. It's easier to navigate through a smaller list than scrolling through a huge list without searching possibility.

Summing up my findings:
-deleted services and gas brands coming back after restarting the app
-liters calculation with given price and total cost is wrong. The division doesn't calculate the decimal values on gas price.
-avg price/km is wrong on app, correct on km/€ is correct on app so avg price/km would be correct if you just divide 1/(km/€).
-y axis on fuel price per liter graph doesn't update after changing the period on x axis.

feature request:
-adding custom octane items and be able to delete current octane items
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Old 09-12-2016, 05:49 PM   #7
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Originally Posted by yakala View Post
On the latest version I am able to use the app and skipping fuelly integration. It wasn't possible on previous version. Thank you for fixing this.
It was not added in this past release, the option has existed in all the v3 versions. Either way, glad you found it and able to move forward.

Originally Posted by yakala View Post
Another issue I found: I deleted all the gas brands and services I will never use and after restarting the app all of them came back. It's easier to navigate through a smaller list than scrolling through a huge list without searching possibility.

Summing up my findings:
-deleted services and gas brands coming back after restarting the app
-liters calculation with given price and total cost is wrong. The division doesn't calculate the decimal values on gas price.
-avg price/km is wrong on app, correct on km/€ is correct on app so avg price/km would be correct if you just divide 1/(km/€).
-y axis on fuel price per liter graph doesn't update after changing the period on x axis.

feature request:
-adding custom octane items and be able to delete current octane items
Thanks for providing this list. We are queuing up the feedback and will tackle them the bugs first and then the feature requests based on demand (number of people who have made the same request). I can confirm that location functionality improvements has been a top requested item.
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Old 09-13-2016, 05:12 AM   #8
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I understand that you have to look into bugs with more demand but I still believe it's more important to fix immediatly bugs about wrong calculations and misleading statistics. (Check 2nd,3rd,4th of my findings above)

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