Could not import because at least one of the data rows (starting with row 2) in . . . - Fuelly Forums

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Old 09-06-2017, 09:58 AM   #1
Registered Member
Join Date: Sep 2017
Posts: 1
Country: United States
Could not import because at least one of the data rows (starting with row 2) in . . .

Hi all -

First off I have a question about Sync. My phone was acting weird and I decided to wipe it and start over (iPhone - not restoring from backup). I have about 5 years of data in Gas Cubby I didn't want to lose so I created a Fuelly account and sync'd my account. My assumption was that it would sync all my data to the cloud so I could be device independent. As a safeguard, I also exported all my data and received it in a zip file in an email. I wiped my phone, downloaded Gas Cubby, logged in and pressed sync expecting to see all my data repopulate. Instead I get nothing. Am I wrong about how sync should work?

Since that didn't work, I moved onto my backup file and decided to import it. I looked at the sample file Fuelly provides and mirrored the format on my file (after I realized it lumped all my cars together in the same sheet - so I parsed out each car). No matter what I do, I get the following error: "Could not import because at least one of the data rows (starting with row 2) in your CSV file doesn't have enough fields." I even tried uploading the sample file Fuelly provides and get the same result. I see a few others have had this issue and some have resolved it but there's never a specific answer on what the fix what.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

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